from typing import Any, Optional
import bokeh
import bokeh.layouts
import bokeh.models
import bokeh.plotting
import hvplot
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from astropy.time import Time
# Imported to help sphinx make the link
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.model_observatory import ModelObservatory # noqa F401
import schedview.compute.astro
from schedview.collect import read_opsim
from .colors import make_band_cmap
def visits_tooltips(weather: bool = False) -> list:
deg = "\u00b0"
tooltips = [
"Start time",
"@start_date{%F %T} UTC (mjd=@observationStartMJD{00000.00}, LST=@observationStartLST"
+ deg
+ ")",
("flush by mjd", "@flush_by_mjd{00000.00}"),
("Scheduler note", "@scheduler_note"),
("Filter", "@filter"),
"Field coordinates",
"RA=@fieldRA" + deg + ", Decl=@fieldDec" + deg + ", Az=@azimuth" + deg + ", Alt=@altitude" + deg,
("Parallactic angle", "@paraAngle" + deg),
("Rotator angle", "@rotTelPos" + deg),
("Rotator angle (backup)", "@rotTelPos_backup" + deg),
("Cumulative telescope azimuth", "@cummTelAz" + deg),
("Airmass", "@airmass"),
("Moon distance", "@moonDistance" + deg),
+ deg
+ ", Decl=@sunDec"
+ deg
+ ", Az=@sunAz"
+ deg
+ ", Alt=@sunAlt"
+ deg
+ ", phase=@moonPhase"
+ deg,
+ deg
+ ", Decl=@moonDec"
+ deg
+ ", Az=@moonAz"
+ deg
+ ", Alt=@moonAlt"
+ deg
+ ", elong=@solarElong"
+ deg,
("Sky brightness", "@skyBrightness mag arcsec^-2"),
("Exposure time", "@visitExposureTime seconds (@numExposures exposures)"),
("Visit time", "@visitTime seconds"),
("Slew distance", "@slewDistance" + deg),
("Slew time", "@slewTime seconds"),
("Field ID", "@fieldId"),
("Proposal ID", "@proposalId"),
("Block ID", "@block_id"),
("Scripted ID", "@scripted_id"),
if weather:
tooltips += [
'@seeingFwhm500" (500nm), @seeingFwhmEff" (Eff), @seeingFwhmGeom" (Geom)',
("Cloud", "@cloud"),
("5-sigma depth", "@fiveSigmaDepth"),
return tooltips
def plot_visits(visits):
"""Instantiate an explorer to interactively examine a set of visits.
visits : `pandas.DataFrame`
One row per visit, as created by `schedview.collect.read_opsim`
figure : `hvplot.ui.hvDataFrameExplorer`
The figure itself.
visit_explorer = hvplot.explorer(
visits, kind="scatter", x="start_date", y="airmass", by=["scheduler_note"]
return visit_explorer
def create_visit_explorer(visits, night_date, observatory=None, timezone="Chile/Continental"):
"""Create an explorer to interactively examine a set of visits.
visits : `str` or `pandas.DataFrame`
One row per visit, as created by `schedview.collect.read_opsim`,
or the name of a file from which such visits should be loaded.
night_date : ``
The calendar date in the evening local time.
observatory : `ModelObservatory`, optional
Provides the location of the observatory, used to compute
night start and end times.
By default None.
timezone : `str`, optional
_description_, by default "Chile/Continental"
figure : `hvplot.ui.hvDataFrameExplorer`
The figure itself.
data : `dict`
The arguments used to produce the figure using
site = None if observatory is None else observatory.location
night_events = schedview.compute.astro.night_events(night_date=night_date, site=site, timezone=timezone)
start_time = Time(night_events.loc["sunset", "UTC"])
end_time = Time(night_events.loc["sunrise", "UTC"])
# Collect
if isinstance(visits, str):
visits = read_opsim(visits, Time(start_time).iso, Time(end_time).iso)
# Plot
data = {"visits": visits}
visit_explorer = plot_visits(visits)
return visit_explorer, data
def plot_visit_param_vs_time(
visits: pd.DataFrame,
column_name: str,
plot: bokeh.plotting.figure | None = None,
show_column_selector: bool = False,
hovertool: bool = True,
) -> bokeh.models.ui.ui_element.UIElement:
"""Plot a column in the visit table vs. time.
`visits`: `pandas.DataFrame`
One row per visit, as created by `schedview.collect.opsim.read_opsim`.
`column_name`: `str`
The name of the column to plot against time.
`plot`: `bokeh.plotting.figure` or None
The figure on which to plot the visits. None creates a new
figure. Defaults to None.
`show_column_selector`: `bool`
Include a drop-down to select which column to plot?
Defaults to False.
`plot` : `bokeh.models.plots.Plot`
The figure with the plot.
if plot is None:
plot = bokeh.plotting.figure(y_axis_label=column_name, x_axis_label="Time (UTC)")
# Make mypy happy
assert isinstance(plot, bokeh.plotting.figure)
data = (
if isinstance(visits, bokeh.models.ColumnarDataSource)
else bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(visits)
circle_kwargs = {"fill_alpha": 0.3, "marker": "circle"}
band_column = "band" if "band" in visits else "filter"
band_cmap = make_band_cmap(band_column)
timeline = plot.scatter(
plot.xaxis[0].formatter = bokeh.models.DatetimeTickFormatter(hours="%H:%M")
legend = plot.legend[0]
legend.orientation = "horizontal"
plot.add_layout(legend, "below")
if hovertool:
hover_tool = bokeh.models.HoverTool(
renderers=[timeline], tooltips=visits_tooltips(), formatters={"@start_date": "datetime"}
if show_column_selector:
# Only offer numeric fields as options
options = []
# Use a loop instead of a list comprehension to make it easier
# to appease mypy
for k in data.column_names:
column_data =[k]
assert isinstance(column_data, np.ndarray)
if np.issubdtype(column_data.dtype, np.number):
column_selector = bokeh.models.Select(value=column_name, options=options, name="visitcolselect")
timeline_callback = bokeh.models.CustomJS(
args={"timeline": timeline, "data": data, "yaxis": plot.yaxis[0]},
timeline.glyph.y.field = this.value
yaxis.axis_label = this.value
column_selector.js_on_change("value", timeline_callback)
ui_element = bokeh.layouts.column([column_selector, plot])
ui_element = plot
return ui_element
def create_visit_table(
visits: pd.DataFrame | bokeh.models.ColumnarDataSource,
visible_column_names: list[str] = [
show: bool = True,
**data_table_kwargs: Optional[Any],
) -> bokeh.models.ui.ui_element.UIElement:
"""Create an interactive table of visits.
visits : `pd.DataFrame` or `bokeh.models.ColumnarDataSource`
The visits to include in the table
visible_column_names : `list[str]`
The columns to display, by default
['observationId', 'observationStartMJD',
'fieldRA', 'fieldDec', 'filter']
show : `bool`
Show the plot?, by default True
element : `bokeh.models.ui.ui_element.UIElement`
The bokeh UI element with the table.
data = (
if isinstance(visits, bokeh.models.ColumnarDataSource)
else bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(visits)
date_columns = []
date_colname = "start_date" if "start_date" in data.column_names else "observationStartDatetime64"
if date_colname in data.column_names:
date_columns = [
field="start_date", title="UTC Time", formatter=bokeh.models.DateFormatter(format="%H:%M:%S")
visible_column_names.insert(0, date_colname)
data_columns = [
bokeh.models.TableColumn(field=cn, title=cn, name=f"tablecol{cn}", visible=cn in visible_column_names)
for cn in data.column_names
if cn != date_colname
columns = date_columns + data_columns
visit_table = bokeh.models.DataTable(
source=data, columns=columns, name="visit_table", **data_table_kwargs
multi_choice = bokeh.models.MultiChoice(value=visible_column_names, options=data.column_names, height=128)
table_update_callback = bokeh.models.CustomJS(
args={"multi_choice": multi_choice, "visit_table": visit_table},
for (var col_idx=0; col_idx<visit_table.columns.length; col_idx++) {
visit_table.columns[col_idx].visible = false
for (var choice_idx=0; choice_idx<multi_choice.value.length; choice_idx++) {
if (visit_table.columns[col_idx].field == multi_choice.value[choice_idx]) {
visit_table.columns[col_idx].visible = true
multi_choice.js_on_change("value", table_update_callback)
ui_element = bokeh.layouts.column([multi_choice, visit_table])
if show:
return ui_element