Source code for schedview.plot.visits

import bokeh
import hvplot
from astropy.time import Time

# Imported to help sphinx make the link
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.model_observatory import ModelObservatory  # noqa F401

import schedview.collect.opsim
import schedview.compute.astro

from .colors import PLOT_FILTER_CMAP

[docs] def plot_visits(visits): """Instantiate an explorer to interactively examine a set of visits. Parameters ---------- visits : `pandas.DataFrame` One row per visit, as created by `schedview.collect.opsim.read_opsim` Returns ------- figure : `hvplot.ui.hvDataFrameExplorer` The figure itself. """ visit_explorer = hvplot.explorer(visits, kind="scatter", x="start_date", y="airmass", by=["note"]) return visit_explorer
[docs] def create_visit_explorer(visits, night_date, observatory=None, timezone="Chile/Continental"): """Create an explorer to interactively examine a set of visits. Parameters ---------- visits : `str` or `pandas.DataFrame` One row per visit, as created by `schedview.collect.opsim.read_opsim`, or the name of a file from which such visits should be loaded. night_date : `` The calendar date in the evening local time. observatory : `ModelObservatory`, optional Provides the location of the observatory, used to compute night start and end times. By default None. timezone : `str`, optional _description_, by default "Chile/Continental" Returns ------- figure : `hvplot.ui.hvDataFrameExplorer` The figure itself. data : `dict` The arguments used to produce the figure using `plot_visits`. """ site = None if observatory is None else observatory.location night_events = schedview.compute.astro.night_events(night_date=night_date, site=site, timezone=timezone) start_time = Time(night_events.loc["sunset", "UTC"]) end_time = Time(night_events.loc["sunrise", "UTC"]) # Collect if isinstance(visits, str): visits = schedview.collect.opsim.read_opsim(visits, Time(start_time).iso, Time(end_time).iso) # Plot data = {"visits": visits} visit_explorer = plot_visits(visits) return visit_explorer, data
[docs] def plot_visit_param_vs_time(visits, column_name, plot=None, **kwargs): """Plot a column in the visit table vs. time. Parameters ---------- `visits`: `pandas.DataFrame` One row per visit, as created by `schedview.collect.opsim.read_opsim`. `column_name`: `str` The name of the column to plot against time. `plot`: `bokeh.models.plots.Plot` or None The figure on which to plot the visits. None creates a new figure. Defaults to None. Returns ------- `plot` : `bokeh.models.plots.Plot` The figure with the plot. """ if plot is None: plot = bokeh.plotting.figure(y_axis_label=column_name, x_axis_label="Time (UTC)") circle_kwargs = {"fill_alpha": 0.3, "marker": "circle"} circle_kwargs.update(kwargs) for band in PLOT_FILTER_CMAP.transform.factors: these_visits = visits.query(f'filter == "{band}"') if len(these_visits) > 0: plot.scatter( x="start_date", y=column_name, color=PLOT_FILTER_CMAP, source=these_visits, legend_label=band, **circle_kwargs, ) plot.xaxis[0].formatter = bokeh.models.DatetimeTickFormatter(hours="%H:%M") legend = plot.legend[0] legend.orientation = "horizontal" plot.add_layout(legend, "below") return plot