Source code for schedview.plot.visits

from typing import Any, Optional

import bokeh
import bokeh.layouts
import bokeh.models
import bokeh.plotting
import hvplot
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from astropy.time import Time

# Imported to help sphinx make the link
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.model_observatory import ModelObservatory  # noqa F401

import schedview.compute.astro
from schedview.collect import read_opsim

from .colors import make_band_cmap

def visits_tooltips(weather: bool = False) -> list:
    deg = "\u00b0"
    tooltips = [
            "Start time",
            "@start_date{%F %T} UTC (mjd=@observationStartMJD{00000.00}, LST=@observationStartLST"
            + deg
            + ")",
        ("flush by mjd", "@flush_by_mjd{00000.00}"),
        ("Scheduler note", "@scheduler_note"),
        ("Filter", "@filter"),
            "Field coordinates",
            "RA=@fieldRA" + deg + ", Decl=@fieldDec" + deg + ", Az=@azimuth" + deg + ", Alt=@altitude" + deg,
        ("Parallactic angle", "@paraAngle" + deg),
        ("Rotator angle", "@rotTelPos" + deg),
        ("Rotator angle (backup)", "@rotTelPos_backup" + deg),
        ("Cumulative telescope azimuth", "@cummTelAz" + deg),
        ("Airmass", "@airmass"),
        ("Moon distance", "@moonDistance" + deg),
            + deg
            + ", Decl=@sunDec"
            + deg
            + ", Az=@sunAz"
            + deg
            + ", Alt=@sunAlt"
            + deg
            + ", phase=@moonPhase"
            + deg,
            + deg
            + ", Decl=@moonDec"
            + deg
            + ", Az=@moonAz"
            + deg
            + ", Alt=@moonAlt"
            + deg
            + ", elong=@solarElong"
            + deg,
        ("Sky brightness", "@skyBrightness mag arcsec^-2"),
        ("Exposure time", "@visitExposureTime seconds (@numExposures exposures)"),
        ("Visit time", "@visitTime seconds"),
        ("Slew distance", "@slewDistance" + deg),
        ("Slew time", "@slewTime seconds"),
        ("Field ID", "@fieldId"),
        ("Proposal ID", "@proposalId"),
        ("Block ID", "@block_id"),
        ("Scripted ID", "@scripted_id"),

    if weather:
        tooltips += [
                '@seeingFwhm500" (500nm), @seeingFwhmEff" (Eff), @seeingFwhmGeom" (Geom)',
            ("Cloud", "@cloud"),
            ("5-sigma depth", "@fiveSigmaDepth"),

    return tooltips

[docs] def plot_visits(visits): """Instantiate an explorer to interactively examine a set of visits. Parameters ---------- visits : `pandas.DataFrame` One row per visit, as created by `schedview.collect.read_opsim` Returns ------- figure : `hvplot.ui.hvDataFrameExplorer` The figure itself. """ visit_explorer = hvplot.explorer( visits, kind="scatter", x="start_date", y="airmass", by=["scheduler_note"] ) return visit_explorer
[docs] def create_visit_explorer(visits, night_date, observatory=None, timezone="Chile/Continental"): """Create an explorer to interactively examine a set of visits. Parameters ---------- visits : `str` or `pandas.DataFrame` One row per visit, as created by `schedview.collect.read_opsim`, or the name of a file from which such visits should be loaded. night_date : `` The calendar date in the evening local time. observatory : `ModelObservatory`, optional Provides the location of the observatory, used to compute night start and end times. By default None. timezone : `str`, optional _description_, by default "Chile/Continental" Returns ------- figure : `hvplot.ui.hvDataFrameExplorer` The figure itself. data : `dict` The arguments used to produce the figure using `plot_visits`. """ site = None if observatory is None else observatory.location night_events = schedview.compute.astro.night_events(night_date=night_date, site=site, timezone=timezone) start_time = Time(night_events.loc["sunset", "UTC"]) end_time = Time(night_events.loc["sunrise", "UTC"]) # Collect if isinstance(visits, str): visits = read_opsim(visits, Time(start_time).iso, Time(end_time).iso) # Plot data = {"visits": visits} visit_explorer = plot_visits(visits) return visit_explorer, data
[docs] def plot_visit_param_vs_time( visits: pd.DataFrame, column_name: str, plot: bokeh.plotting.figure | None = None, show_column_selector: bool = False, hovertool: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> bokeh.models.ui.ui_element.UIElement: """Plot a column in the visit table vs. time. Parameters ---------- `visits`: `pandas.DataFrame` One row per visit, as created by `schedview.collect.opsim.read_opsim`. `column_name`: `str` The name of the column to plot against time. `plot`: `bokeh.plotting.figure` or None The figure on which to plot the visits. None creates a new figure. Defaults to None. `show_column_selector`: `bool` Include a drop-down to select which column to plot? Defaults to False. Returns ------- `plot` : `bokeh.models.plots.Plot` The figure with the plot. """ if plot is None: plot = bokeh.plotting.figure(y_axis_label=column_name, x_axis_label="Time (UTC)") # Make mypy happy assert isinstance(plot, bokeh.plotting.figure) data = ( visits if isinstance(visits, bokeh.models.ColumnarDataSource) else bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(visits) ) circle_kwargs = {"fill_alpha": 0.3, "marker": "circle"} circle_kwargs.update(kwargs) band_column = "band" if "band" in visits else "filter" band_cmap = make_band_cmap(band_column) timeline = plot.scatter( x="start_date", y=column_name, color=band_cmap, source=data, legend_group="filter", **circle_kwargs, ) plot.xaxis[0].formatter = bokeh.models.DatetimeTickFormatter(hours="%H:%M") legend = plot.legend[0] legend.orientation = "horizontal" plot.add_layout(legend, "below") if hovertool: hover_tool = bokeh.models.HoverTool( renderers=[timeline], tooltips=visits_tooltips(), formatters={"@start_date": "datetime"} ) plot.add_tools(hover_tool) if show_column_selector: # Only offer numeric fields as options options = [] # Use a loop instead of a list comprehension to make it easier # to appease mypy for k in data.column_names: column_data =[k] assert isinstance(column_data, np.ndarray) if np.issubdtype(column_data.dtype, np.number): options.append(k) column_selector = bokeh.models.Select(value=column_name, options=options, name="visitcolselect") timeline_callback = bokeh.models.CustomJS( args={"timeline": timeline, "data": data, "yaxis": plot.yaxis[0]}, code=""" timeline.glyph.y.field = this.value yaxis.axis_label = this.value data.change.emit() """, ) column_selector.js_on_change("value", timeline_callback) ui_element = bokeh.layouts.column([column_selector, plot]) else: ui_element = plot return ui_element
[docs] def create_visit_table( visits: pd.DataFrame | bokeh.models.ColumnarDataSource, visible_column_names: list[str] = [ "observationId", "observationStartMJD", "fieldRA", "fieldDec", "filter", ], show: bool = True, **data_table_kwargs: Optional[Any], ) -> bokeh.models.ui.ui_element.UIElement: """Create an interactive table of visits. Parameters ---------- visits : `pd.DataFrame` or `bokeh.models.ColumnarDataSource` The visits to include in the table visible_column_names : `list[str]` The columns to display, by default ['observationId', 'observationStartMJD', 'fieldRA', 'fieldDec', 'filter'] show : `bool` Show the plot?, by default True Returns ------- element : `bokeh.models.ui.ui_element.UIElement` The bokeh UI element with the table. """ data = ( visits if isinstance(visits, bokeh.models.ColumnarDataSource) else bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(visits) ) date_columns = [] date_colname = "start_date" if "start_date" in data.column_names else "observationStartDatetime64" if date_colname in data.column_names: date_columns = [ bokeh.models.TableColumn( field="start_date", title="UTC Time", formatter=bokeh.models.DateFormatter(format="%H:%M:%S") ) ] visible_column_names.insert(0, date_colname) data_columns = [ bokeh.models.TableColumn(field=cn, title=cn, name=f"tablecol{cn}", visible=cn in visible_column_names) for cn in data.column_names if cn != date_colname ] columns = date_columns + data_columns visit_table = bokeh.models.DataTable( source=data, columns=columns, name="visit_table", **data_table_kwargs ) multi_choice = bokeh.models.MultiChoice(value=visible_column_names, options=data.column_names, height=128) table_update_callback = bokeh.models.CustomJS( args={"multi_choice": multi_choice, "visit_table": visit_table}, code=""" for (var col_idx=0; col_idx<visit_table.columns.length; col_idx++) { visit_table.columns[col_idx].visible = false for (var choice_idx=0; choice_idx<multi_choice.value.length; choice_idx++) { if (visit_table.columns[col_idx].field == multi_choice.value[choice_idx]) { visit_table.columns[col_idx].visible = true } } } visit_table.change.emit() """, ) multi_choice.js_on_change("value", table_update_callback) ui_element = bokeh.layouts.column([multi_choice, visit_table]) if show: return ui_element