
Installing with conda

schedview can be installed using conda. If you want to add it to an existing conda environment:

$ conda install -c conda-forge schedview

or, to use a dedicated environment for schedview:

$ conda create --name schedview -c conda-forge schedview

conda will take care of installing the needed python module dependencies, but some of the data needed by some of its dependencies are not installed automatically by conda. To download the necessary data, see the data download pages for rubin_scheduler and for rubin_sim

Note: at present, there are some dependencies which are not listed in the conda recipe, either because there is no conda package or we are determining whether it is safe to include them for installation in an LSST Stack metapackage. To add these additional packages, please install the following into your environment:

$ pip install lsst-resources
$ conda install -c conda-forge lsst-efd-client

Installing with pip

schedview can be installed using pip. Starting with whatever python environment you want to use active:

$ pip install schedview

pip will take care of installing the needed python module dependencies, but some of the data needed by some of its dependencies are not installed automatically by pip. To download the necessary data, see the data download pages for rubin_scheduler and for rubin_sim

For developer use

First, get the code by cloning the github project:

$ git clone
$ cd schedview

Create a conda environment with the appropriate dependencies, and activate it:

$ conda create --channel conda-forge --name rubin_sim --file requirements.txt python=3.11
$ conda activate schedview

Install the (development) schedview in your new environment:

$ pip install -e . --no-deps

Some additional packages are required to run the tests. To install the tests, install the dependenices, then run the tests:

$ conda install -f test-requirements.txt
$ pytest .

Building the documentation requires the installation of documenteer[guide]:

$ pip install "documenteer[guide]"
$ cd docs
$ package-docs build

The root of the local documentation will then be docs/_build/html/index.html.

Using the schedview S3 bucket

If a user has appropriate credentials, schedview can read data from an S3 bucket. To have the prenight dashboard read data from as S3 bucket, a few steps are needed to prepare the environment in which the dashboard will be run.

First, the bucket credentials with access to the the endpoint and bucket in which the archive resides need to be added to .lsst/aws-credentials.ini file in the account that will be running the dashboard.

For the pre-night S3 bucket at the USDF, the endpoint is and the bucket name is rubin-scheduler-prenight. Access to this bucket must be coordinated with the USDF administrators and the Rubin Observatory survey scheduling team.

For example, if the USDF S3 bucket is to be used anth the section with the aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key with access to this endpoint and bucket is prenight, then the following environment variables need to be set in the process running the dashboard:

$ export S3_ENDPOINT_URL=''
$ export AWS_PROFILE=prenight

The first of these (S3_ENDPOINT_URL) might have been set up automatically for you if you are running on the USDF.