Source code for schedview.plot.visitmap

import bokeh
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from astropy.time import Time

# Imported to help sphinx make the link
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.model_observatory.model_observatory import ModelObservatory
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.schedulers import CoreScheduler  # noqa F401
from uranography.api import ArmillarySphere, Planisphere, split_healpix_by_resolution

import schedview.collect.scheduler_pickle
import schedview.compute.astro
from schedview.collect.stars import load_bright_stars
from import LsstCameraFootprintPerimeter

BAND_COLORS = dict(u="#56b4e9", g="#008060", r="#ff4000", i="#850000", z="#6600cc", y="#222222")
BAND_HATCH_SCALES = dict(u=6, g=6, r=6, i=6, z=12, y=12)


[docs] def plot_visit_skymaps( visits, footprint, conditions, hatch=False, fade_scale=2.0 / (24 * 60), camera_perimeter="LSST", nside_low=8, show_stars=False, ): """Plot visits on a map of the sky. Parameters ---------- visits : `pandas.DataFrame` One row per visit, with at least the following columns: ``"fieldRA"`` The visit R.A. in degrees (`float`). ``"fieldDec"`` The visit declination in degrees (`float`). ``"observationStartMJD"`` The visit start MJD (`float`). ``"filter"`` The visit filter (`str`) footprint : `numpy.array` A healpix map of the footprint. conditions : `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.features.conditions.Conditions` The conditions for the night, which determines the start and end times covered by the map. hatch : `bool` Use hatches instead of filling visit polygons. (SLOW!) fade_scale : `float` Time (in days) over which visit outlines fade. camera_perimeter : `str` or `object` An function that returns the perimeter of the camera footprint, or "LSST" for the LSST camera footprint. Defaults to "LSST". nside_low : `int` The healpix nside to try to use for low resolution sections of the healpix map. show_stars : `bool` Show stars? (Defaults to False) Returns ------- _type_ _description_ """ if camera_perimeter == "LSST": camera_perimeter = LsstCameraFootprintPerimeter() nside_low = NSIDE_LOW asphere = ArmillarySphere(mjd=conditions.mjd) psphere = Planisphere(mjd=conditions.mjd) psphere.sliders["mjd"] = asphere.sliders["mjd"] cmap = bokeh.transform.linear_cmap("value", "Greys256", int(np.ceil(np.nanmax(footprint) * 2)), 0) nside_high = hp.npix2nside(footprint.shape[0]) footprint_high, footprint_low = split_healpix_by_resolution(footprint, nside_low, nside_high) healpix_high_ds, cmap, glyph = asphere.add_healpix(footprint_high, nside=nside_high, cmap=cmap) psphere.add_healpix(healpix_high_ds, nside=nside_high, cmap=cmap) healpix_low_ds, cmap, glyph = asphere.add_healpix(footprint_low, nside=nside_low, cmap=cmap) psphere.add_healpix(healpix_low_ds, nside=nside_low, cmap=cmap) # Transforms for recent, past, future visits past_future_js = """ const result = new Array(xs.length) for (let i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) { if (mjd_slider.value >= xs[i]) { result[i] = past_value } else { result[i] = future_value } } return result """ past_future_transform = bokeh.models.CustomJSTransform( args=dict(mjd_slider=asphere.sliders["mjd"], past_value=0.5, future_value=0.0), v_func=past_future_js, ) recent_js = """ const result = new Array(xs.length) for (let i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) { if (mjd_slider.value < xs[i]) { result[i] = 0 } else { result[i] = Math.max(0, max_value * (1 - (mjd_slider.value - xs[i]) / scale)) } } return result """ recent_transform = bokeh.models.CustomJSTransform( args=dict(mjd_slider=asphere.sliders["mjd"], max_value=1.0, scale=fade_scale), v_func=recent_js, ) for band in "ugrizy": band_visits = visits.query(f"filter == '{band}'") if len(band_visits) < 1: continue ras, decls = camera_perimeter(band_visits.fieldRA, band_visits.fieldDec, band_visits.rotSkyPos) perimeter_df = pd.DataFrame( { "ra": ras, "decl": decls, "mjd": band_visits.observationStartMJD.values, } ) patches_kwargs = dict( fill_alpha=bokeh.transform.transform("mjd", past_future_transform), line_alpha=bokeh.transform.transform("mjd", recent_transform), line_color="#ff00ff", line_width=2, ) if hatch: patches_kwargs.update( dict( fill_alpha=0, fill_color=None, hatch_alpha=bokeh.transform.transform("mjd", past_future_transform), hatch_color=BAND_COLORS[band], hatch_pattern=BAND_HATCH_PATTERNS[band], hatch_scale=BAND_HATCH_SCALES[band], ) ) else: patches_kwargs.update(dict(fill_color=BAND_COLORS[band])) visit_ds = asphere.add_patches( perimeter_df, patches_kwargs=patches_kwargs, ) psphere.add_patches(data_source=visit_ds, patches_kwargs=patches_kwargs) asphere.decorate() psphere.decorate() sun_ds = asphere.add_marker( ra=np.degrees(conditions.sun_ra), decl=np.degrees(conditions.sun_dec), name="Sun", glyph_size=15, circle_kwargs={"color": "yellow", "fill_alpha": 1}, ) psphere.add_marker( data_source=sun_ds, name="Sun", glyph_size=15, circle_kwargs={"color": "yellow", "fill_alpha": 1}, ) moon_ds = asphere.add_marker( ra=np.degrees(conditions.moon_ra), decl=np.degrees(conditions.moon_dec), name="Moon", glyph_size=15, circle_kwargs={"color": "orange", "fill_alpha": 0.8}, ) psphere.add_marker( data_source=moon_ds, name="Moon", glyph_size=15, circle_kwargs={"color": "orange", "fill_alpha": 0.8}, ) if show_stars: star_data = load_bright_stars().loc[:, ["name", "ra", "decl", "Vmag"]] star_data["glyph_size"] = 15 - (15.0 / 3.5) * star_data["Vmag"] star_data.query("glyph_size>0", inplace=True) star_ds = asphere.add_stars(star_data, mag_limit_slider=False, star_kwargs={"color": "yellow"}) psphere.add_stars( star_data, data_source=star_ds, mag_limit_slider=True, star_kwargs={"color": "yellow"}, ) horizon_ds = asphere.add_horizon() psphere.add_horizon(data_source=horizon_ds) horizon70_ds = asphere.add_horizon(zd=70, line_kwargs={"color": "red", "line_width": 2}) psphere.add_horizon(data_source=horizon70_ds, line_kwargs={"color": "red", "line_width": 2}) asphere.sliders["mjd"].start = conditions.sun_n12_setting asphere.sliders["mjd"].end = conditions.sun_n12_rising fig = bokeh.layouts.row( asphere.figure, psphere.figure, ) return fig
[docs] def plot_visit_planisphere( visits, footprint, conditions, hatch=False, fade_scale=2.0 / (24 * 60), camera_perimeter="LSST", nside_low=8, show_stars=False, ): """Plot visits on a map of the sky. Parameters ---------- visits : `pandas.DataFrame` One row per visit, with at least the following columns: ``"fieldRA"`` The visit R.A. in degrees (`float`). ``"fieldDec"`` The visit declination in degrees (`float`). ``"observationStartMJD"`` The visit start MJD (`float`). ``"filter"`` The visit filter (`str`) footprint : `numpy.array` A healpix map of the footprint. conditions : `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.features.conditions.Conditions` The conditions for the night, which determines the start and end times covered by the map. hatch : `bool` Use hatches instead of filling visit polygons. (SLOW!) fade_scale : `float` Time (in days) over which visit outlines fade. camera_perimeter : `str` or `object` An function that returns the perimeter of the camera footprint, or "LSST" for the LSST camera footprint. Defaults to "LSST". nside_low : `int` The healpix nside to try to use for low resolution sections of the healpix map. show_stars : `bool` Show stars? (Defaults to False) Returns ------- _type_ _description_ """ if camera_perimeter == "LSST": camera_perimeter = LsstCameraFootprintPerimeter() nside_low = NSIDE_LOW plot = bokeh.plotting.figure( frame_width=1024, frame_height=1024, match_aspect=True, title="Visits", ) psphere = Planisphere(mjd=conditions.mjd, plot=plot) psphere.add_mjd_slider() cmap = bokeh.transform.linear_cmap("value", "Greys256", int(np.ceil(np.nanmax(footprint) * 2)), 0) nside_high = hp.npix2nside(footprint.shape[0]) footprint_high, footprint_low = split_healpix_by_resolution(footprint, nside_low, nside_high) healpix_high_ds, cmap, glyph = psphere.add_healpix(footprint_high, nside=nside_high, cmap=cmap) healpix_low_ds, cmap, glyph = psphere.add_healpix(footprint_low, nside=nside_low, cmap=cmap) for band in "ugrizy": band_visits = visits.query(f"filter == '{band}'") if len(band_visits) < 1: continue ras, decls = camera_perimeter(band_visits.fieldRA, band_visits.fieldDec, band_visits.rotSkyPos) mjd_start = band_visits.observationStartMJD.values current_mjd = conditions.sun_n12_setting perimeter_df = pd.DataFrame( { "ra": ras, "decl": decls, "min_mjd": band_visits.observationStartMJD.values, "in_mjd_window": [0.3] * len(ras), "fade_scale": [fade_scale] * len(ras), "recent_mjd": np.clip((current_mjd - mjd_start) / fade_scale, 0, 1), } ) patches_kwargs = dict(line_alpha="recent_mjd", line_color="#ff00ff", line_width=2) if hatch: patches_kwargs.update( dict( fill_alpha=0, fill_color=None, hatch_alpha="in_mjd_window", hatch_color=BAND_COLORS[band], hatch_pattern=BAND_HATCH_PATTERNS[band], hatch_scale=BAND_HATCH_SCALES[band], ) ) else: patches_kwargs.update( dict( fill_alpha="in_mjd_window", fill_color=BAND_COLORS[band], ) ) visit_ds = psphere.add_patches( perimeter_df, patches_kwargs=patches_kwargs, ) psphere.set_js_update_func(visit_ds) psphere.decorate() psphere.add_marker( ra=np.degrees(conditions.sun_ra), decl=np.degrees(conditions.sun_dec), name="Sun", glyph_size=15, circle_kwargs={"color": "yellow", "fill_alpha": 1}, ) psphere.add_marker( ra=np.degrees(conditions.moon_ra), decl=np.degrees(conditions.moon_dec), name="Moon", glyph_size=15, circle_kwargs={"color": "orange", "fill_alpha": 0.8}, ) if show_stars: star_data = load_bright_stars().loc[:, ["name", "ra", "decl", "Vmag"]] star_data["glyph_size"] = 15 - (15.0 / 3.5) * star_data["Vmag"] star_data.query("glyph_size>0", inplace=True) psphere.add_stars(star_data, mag_limit_slider=False, star_kwargs={"color": "yellow"}) psphere.add_horizon() psphere.add_horizon(zd=70, line_kwargs={"color": "red", "line_width": 2}) psphere.sliders["mjd"].start = conditions.sun_n12_setting psphere.sliders["mjd"].end = conditions.sun_n12_rising fig = bokeh.layouts.row( psphere.figure, ) return fig
[docs] def create_visit_skymaps( visits, night_date, nside=32, observatory=None, timezone="Chile/Continental", planisphere_only=False, ): """Create a map of visits on the sky. Parameters ---------- visits : `pandas.DataFrame` or `str` If a `pandas.DataFrame`, it needs at least the following columns: ``"fieldRA"`` The visit R.A. in degrees (`float`). ``"fieldDec"`` The visit declination in degrees (`float`). ``"observationStartMJD"`` The visit start MJD (`float`). ``"filter"`` The visit filter (`str`) If a string, the file name of the opsim database from which the visits should be loaded. night_date : `` The calendar date of the evening of the night for which to plot the visits. nside : `int`, optional The healpix nside to use for the map. observatory : `ModelObservatory`, optional Provides the location of the observatory, used to compute night start and end times. By default None. timezone : `str`, optional by default "Chile/Continental" planisphere_only : `bool` by default False Returns ------- figure : `bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM` The figure itself. data : `dict` The arguments used to produce the figure using `plot_visit_skymaps`. """ site = None if observatory is None else observatory.location night_events = schedview.compute.astro.night_events(night_date=night_date, site=site, timezone=timezone) start_time = Time(night_events.loc["sunset", "UTC"]) end_time = Time(night_events.loc["sunrise", "UTC"]) if isinstance(visits, str): visits = schedview.collect.opsim.read_opsim(visits) if start_time is not None: visits.query(f"observationStartMJD >= {Time(start_time).mjd}", inplace=True) if end_time is not None: visits.query(f"observationStartMJD <= {Time(end_time).mjd}", inplace=True) if observatory is None: observatory = ModelObservatory(nside=nside, init_load_length=1) observatory.sky_model.load_length = 1 footprint = schedview.collect.footprint.get_footprint(nside) observatory.mjd = end_time.mjd conditions = observatory.return_conditions() data = {"visits": visits, "footprint": footprint, "conditions": conditions} if planisphere_only: vmap = schedview.plot.visitmap.plot_visit_planisphere(**data) else: vmap = schedview.plot.visitmap.plot_visit_skymaps(**data) return vmap, data