Source code for schedview.plot.survey

import re
from functools import partial

import astropy
import bokeh
import colorcet
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rubin_scheduler.scheduler.features
import rubin_scheduler.scheduler.surveys  # noqa: F401
from astropy.time import Time
from uranography.api import HorizonMap, Planisphere, make_zscale_linear_cmap

from import LsstCameraFootprintPerimeter

[docs] def map_survey_healpix( mjd, hpix_data, map_key, nside, map_class=HorizonMap, map_kwargs=None, cmap=None, cmap_scale="full", conditions=None, survey=None, ): """Map a healpix map of a survey at a given MJD. Parameters ---------- mjd : `float` The MJD at which to map the survey. hpix_data : `dict` A dictionary of healpix maps. The map with `map_key` will be mapped to pixel color, and others will be shown in the hover tool. map_key : `str` The key in hpix_data corresponding to the healpix map to display. nside : `int` The nside at which to show the healpix maps. map_class : `class`, optional The class of map to use. Defaults to uranography.HorizonMap. map_kwargs : `dict`, optional Keyword arguments to pass to map_class. cmap : `bokeh.models.mappers.ColorMapper`, optional A color mapper to use for the map. Defaults to a linear cmap with the "Inferno256" palette. cmap_scale : `str`, optional The scale to use for the cmap. Defaults to "full", which uses the full range of values in the healpix map. Alternatively, "zscale" can be used to use a zscale cmap. conditions : `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.features.Conditions`, optional Default is None. The observing conditions at which to map the survey, used to determine telescope pointing. If None, do not mark telescope pointing. survey : `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.surveys.BaseSurvey`, optional Default is None. The survey with fields to mark on the map. If None or an unsuitable survey type, do not mark survey fields. Returns ------- sky_map : `uranography.SphereMap` The map of the sky. """ if map_kwargs is None: map_kwargs = {} sun_coords = astropy.coordinates.get_body("sun", Time(mjd, format="mjd")) moon_coords = astropy.coordinates.get_body("moon", Time(mjd, format="mjd")) sky_map = map_class(mjd=mjd, **map_kwargs) sky_map.sliders["mjd"].visible = False if cmap is None: min_good_value = np.nanmin(hpix_data[map_key]) max_good_value = np.nanmax(hpix_data[map_key]) if min_good_value == max_good_value: cmap = bokeh.transform.linear_cmap( "value", "Greys256", min_good_value - 1, max_good_value + 1, ) elif cmap_scale == "full": cmap = bokeh.transform.linear_cmap( "value", "Inferno256", np.nanmin(hpix_data[map_key]), np.nanmax(hpix_data[map_key]), ) elif cmap_scale == "zscale": make_zscale_linear_cmap(hpix_data[map_key]) else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized cmap_scale: {cmap_scale}") sky_map.add_healpix( hpix_data[map_key], nside=nside, cmap=cmap, ds_name="hpix_ds", name="hpix_renderer", ) # Add the hovertool hpix_datasource ="hpix_ds")[0] hpix_renderer ="hpix_renderer")[0] shown_hpix_data = dict( shown_hpids = shown_hpix_data["hpid"] tooltips = [ (f"hpid (nside={nside})", "@hpid"), ("R. A. (deg)", "@center_ra"), ("Declination (deg)", "@center_decl"), ] sky_map.add_horizon_graticules() # If we have alt/az coordinates, include them if "x_hz" in shown_hpix_data.keys() and "y_hz" in shown_hpix_data.keys(): x_hz = np.mean(np.array(shown_hpix_data["x_hz"]), axis=1) y_hz = np.mean(np.array(shown_hpix_data["y_hz"]), axis=1) zd = np.degrees(np.sqrt(x_hz**2 + y_hz**2)) alt = 90 - zd az = np.degrees(np.arctan2(-x_hz, y_hz)) # Calculate airmass using Kirstensen (1998), good to the horizon. # Models the atmosphere with a uniform spherical shell with a height # 1/470 of the radius of the earth. # a_cos_zd = 470 * np.cos(np.radians(zd)) airmass = np.sqrt(a_cos_zd**2 + 941) - a_cos_zd if "zd" not in shown_hpix_data and "zd" not in hpix_data: shown_hpix_data["zd"] = zd tooltips.append(("Zenith Distance (deg)", "@zd")) if "alt" not in shown_hpix_data and "alt" not in hpix_data: shown_hpix_data["alt"] = alt tooltips.append(("Altitude (deg)", "@alt")) if "azimuth" not in shown_hpix_data and "azimuth" not in hpix_data: shown_hpix_data["azimuth"] = az tooltips.append(("Azimuth (deg)", "@azimuth")) if "airmass" not in shown_hpix_data and "airmass" not in hpix_data: shown_hpix_data["airmass"] = airmass tooltips.append(("airmass", "@airmass")) sky_map.add_horizon( 89.99, line_kwargs={"color": "#000000", "line_width": 2, "legend_label": "Horizon"} ) sky_map.add_horizon( 70, line_kwargs={"color": "#D55E00", "line_width": 2, "legend_label": "ZD = 70 degrees"} ) # "line_dash": "dashed" sky_map.add_ecliptic(legend_label="Ecliptic", line_width=2, color="#009E73", line_dash="dashed") sky_map.add_galactic_plane( legend_label="Galactic plane", color="#0072B2", line_width=2, line_dash="dotted" ) sky_map.add_marker( sun_coords.ra.deg, sun_coords.dec.deg, name="Sun", glyph_size=15, circle_kwargs={ "color": "brown", "legend_label": "Sun position", }, ) sky_map.add_marker( moon_coords.ra.deg, moon_coords.dec.deg, name="Moon", glyph_size=15, circle_kwargs={ "color": "orange", "legend_label": "Moon position", "tags": ["circle", "orange"], }, ) if conditions is not None and conditions.tel_az is not None and conditions.tel_alt is not None: telescope_marker_data_source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource( data={ "az": [np.degrees(conditions.tel_az)], "alt": [np.degrees(conditions.tel_alt)], "name": ["telescope_pointing"], "glyph_size": [20], }, name="telescope_pointing", ) sky_map.add_marker( data_source=telescope_marker_data_source, name="telescope_pointing_marker", circle_kwargs={"color": "green", "fill_alpha": 0.5, "legend_label": "Telescope pointing"}, ) if survey is not None: try: try: ra_deg = list(survey.ra_deg) dec_deg = list(survey.dec_deg) except TypeError: ra_deg = [survey.ra_deg] dec_deg = [survey.dec_deg] survey_field_data_source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource( data={ "ra": ra_deg, "decl": dec_deg, "name": ["survey_pointing {i}" for i, ra in enumerate(ra_deg)], "glyph_size": [20] * len(ra_deg), }, name="survey_pointings", ) sky_map.add_marker( data_source=survey_field_data_source, name="survey_field_marker", circle_kwargs={"color": "black", "fill_alpha": 0, "legend_label": "Survey field(s)"}, ) except AttributeError: pass for key in hpix_data: column_name = key.replace(" ", "_").replace(".", "_").replace("@", "_") shown_hpix_data[column_name] = hpix_data[key][shown_hpids] label = re.sub(" @[0-9]*$", "", key) tooltips.append((label, f"@{column_name}")) = shown_hpix_data hover_tool = bokeh.models.HoverTool(renderers=[hpix_renderer], tooltips=tooltips) return sky_map
[docs] def map_visits_over_hpix( visits, conditions, map_hpix, plot=None, scale_limits=None, palette=colorcet.blues, map_class=Planisphere, prerender_hpix=True, ): """Plot visit locations over a healpix map. Parameters ---------- visits : `pd.DataFrame` The table of visits to plot, with columns matching the opsim database definitions. conditions : `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.features.Conditions` An instance of a rubin_scheduler conditions object. map_hpix : `numpy.array` An array of healpix values plot : `bokeh.models.plots.Plot` or `None` The bokeh plot on which to make the plot. None creates a new plot. None by default. scale_limits : `list` of `float` or `None` The scale limits for the healpix values. If None, use zscale to set the scale. palette : `str` The bokeh palette to use for the healpix map. map_class : `class`, optional The class of map to use. Defaults to uranography.Planisphere. prerender_hpix : `bool`, optional Pre-render the healpix map? Defaults to True Returns ------- plot : `bokeh.models.plots.Plot` The plot with the map """ camera_perimeter = LsstCameraFootprintPerimeter() if plot is None: plot = bokeh.plotting.figure(frame_width=256, frame_height=256, match_aspect=True) sphere_map = map_class(mjd=conditions.mjd, plot=plot) if scale_limits is None: try: good_values = map_hpix[~map_hpix.mask] except AttributeError: good_values = map_hpix cmap = make_zscale_linear_cmap(good_values, palette=palette) else: cmap = bokeh.transform.linear_cmap("value", palette, scale_limits[0], scale_limits[1]) if prerender_hpix: # Convert the healpix map into an image raster, and send that instead # the full healpix map (sent as one polygon for each healpixel). # An high nside, this should reduce the data sent to the browser. # However, it will not be responsive to controls. if not map_class == Planisphere: raise NotImplementedError() if not plot.frame_width == plot.frame_height: raise NotImplementedError() xsize = plot.frame_width ysize = plot.frame_height # For Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area, projection space is 4 radians wide # and high, so projection units per pixel is 4 radians/xsize. # reso is in units of arcmin, though. reso = 60 * np.degrees(4.0 / xsize) projector = hp.projector.AzimuthalProj( rot=sphere_map.laea_rot, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, reso=reso, lamb=True ) map_raster = projector.projmap(map_hpix, partial(hp.vec2pix, hp.npix2nside(len(map_hpix)))) # Set area outside projection to nan, not -inf, so bokeh does not # try coloring it. map_raster[np.isneginf(map_raster)] = np.nan reso_radians = np.radians(projector.arrayinfo["reso"] / 60) width_hpxy = reso_radians * map_raster.shape[0] height_hpxy = reso_radians * map_raster.shape[1] sphere_map.plot.image( [map_raster], x=-width_hpxy / 2, y=-height_hpxy / 2, dw=width_hpxy, dh=height_hpxy, color_mapper=cmap.transform, level="image", ) else: sphere_map.add_healpix(map_hpix, nside=hp.npix2nside(len(map_hpix)), cmap=cmap) if len(visits) > 0: ras, decls = camera_perimeter(visits.fieldRA, visits.fieldDec, visits.rotSkyPos) perimeter_df = pd.DataFrame( { "ra": ras, "decl": decls, } ) sphere_map.add_patches( perimeter_df, patches_kwargs={"fill_color": None, "line_color": "black", "line_width": 1} ) sphere_map.decorate() sphere_map.add_marker( ra=np.degrees(conditions.sun_ra), decl=np.degrees(conditions.sun_dec), name="Sun", glyph_size=8, circle_kwargs={"color": "yellow", "fill_alpha": 1}, ) sphere_map.add_marker( ra=np.degrees(conditions.moon_ra), decl=np.degrees(conditions.moon_dec), name="Moon", glyph_size=8, circle_kwargs={"color": "orange", "fill_alpha": 0.8}, ) return plot
[docs] def create_hpix_visit_map_grid(hpix_maps, visits, conditions, **kwargs): """Create a grid of healpix maps with visits overplotted. Notes ----- Additional keyword args are passed to map_visits_over_hpix. Parameters ---------- map_hpix : `numpy.array` An array of healpix values visits : `pd.DataFrame` The table of visits to plot, with columns matching the opsim database definitions. conditions : `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.features.Conditions` An instance of a rubin_scheduler conditions object. Returns ------- plot : `bokeh.models.plots.Plot` The plot with the map """ visit_map = {} for band in hpix_maps: visit_map[band] = map_visits_over_hpix( visits.query(f"filter == '{band}'"), conditions, hpix_maps[band], **kwargs ) visit_map[band].title = band # Convert the dictionary of maps into a list of lists, # corresponding to the rows of the grid. num_cols = 3 map_lists = [] for band_idx, band in enumerate(hpix_maps): if band_idx % num_cols == 0: map_lists.append([visit_map[band]]) else: map_lists[-1].append(visit_map[band]) map_grid = bokeh.layouts.gridplot(map_lists) return map_grid