Source code for schedview.plot.rewards

import warnings
from import Callable

import bokeh
import bokeh.layouts
import bokeh.models
import bokeh.plotting
import bokeh.transform
import colorcet
import holoviews as hv
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from astropy.time import Time

# Imported to help sphinx make the link
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.model_observatory import ModelObservatory  # noqa F401

import schedview.compute.astro
import schedview.compute.scheduler
from schedview.collect import read_opsim, read_scheduler

__all__ = [

[docs] def plot_survey_rewards(rewards): """Plot survey rewards as a function of time. Parameters ---------- rewards : `pandas.DataFrame` Data with at least these columns: ``"survey_name"`` The name of the survey (`str`). ``"time"`` The sample time for the reward (`datetime64[ns]`). ``"reward"`` The reward (`float`). Returns ------- reward_plot : `bokeh.plotting.figure` The figure. """ reward_plot = ( rewards.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) .loc[:, ["survey_name", "time", "reward"]] .hvplot(by=["survey_name"], x="time", y=["reward"], title="Rewards for each survey") .options({"Curve": {"color": hv.Cycle("Category20")}}) ) return reward_plot
[docs] def create_survey_reward_plot( scheduler, night_date, additional_visits=None, observatory=None, timezone="Chile/Continental", ): """Build a plot of rewards by survey for a time period. Parameters ---------- scheduler : `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.schedulers.Core_scheduler` or `str` The scheduler with the surveys to evaluate, or the name of a file from which such a scheduler should be loaded. night_date : `astropy.time.Time` A time during the night to plot. additional_visits : `pandas.DataFrame` or `str`, optional Visits to add to the scheduler before reward evaluation, by default None observatory : `ModelObservatory`, optional Provides the location of the observatory, used to compute night start and end times. By default None timezone : `str`, optional Timezone for horizontal axis, by default "Chile/Continental" Returns ------- figure : `bokeh.plotting.figure` The figure itself. data : `dict` The arguments used to produce the figure using `plot_survey_rewards`. """ site = None if observatory is None else observatory.location # Collect if isinstance(scheduler, str): scheduler, conditions = read_scheduler(scheduler) scheduler.update_conditions(conditions) if isinstance(additional_visits, str): night_events = schedview.compute.astro.night_events( night_date=night_date, site=site, timezone=timezone ) start_time = Time(night_events.loc["sunset", "UTC"]) end_time = Time(night_events.loc["sunrise", "UTC"]) additional_visits = read_opsim(additional_visits, Time(start_time).iso, Time(end_time).iso) # Compute if additional_visits is not None: schedview.compute.scheduler.replay_visits(scheduler, additional_visits) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning) rewards = schedview.compute.scheduler.compute_basis_function_rewards(scheduler) # Plot data = {"rewards": rewards} reward_plot = hv.render(plot_survey_rewards(**data)) return reward_plot, data
def make_timeline_bars( df, factor_column, value_column, value_range_min=-np.inf, value_range_max=np.inf, user_infeasible_kwargs=None, user_max_kwargs=None, user_plot_kwargs={}, user_rect_dict={}, cmap=None, ): """Create a stacked set of timelines with vertical colored bars. Parameters ---------- df : `pandas.DataFrame` The table of the data to plot. factor_column : `str` The name of the column determining the horizontal line on which values will be plotted. value_column : `str` The name of the column to map to bar height and color. value_range_min : `float` The low extreme value for height and color mapping. Defaults to `-numpy.inf`. value_range_max : `float` The high extreme value for height and color mapping. Defaults to `-numpy.inf`. user_infeasible_kwargs : `dict` or `None` Keyword arguments passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure.scatter` for points flagged infeasible. Defaults to `None`. user_max_kwargs : `dict` or `None` Keyword arguments passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure.scatter` for points with values higher than the range. Defaults to `None`. user_plot_kwargs : `dict` or `None` Keyword arguments passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure` when creating the instantiating it. user_rect_kwargs : `dict` or `None` Keyword arguments passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure.rect` for points within range. cmap : `Sequence` [`bokeh.colors.ColorLike`] The color map to use to color the rectangles. Returns ------- `plot` : `bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM` The plot that can be shown or saved. """ # Make the data source data_source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(df)["datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(df.queue_start_mjd + 2400000.5, origin="julian", unit="D") # Make the figure # If the user does not specify what rows (horizontal lines) should be # present in the plot, use all values in the input data. if "y_range" not in user_plot_kwargs: factor_range = bokeh.models.FactorRange( *[tuple(c) for c in df[factor_column].drop_duplicates().values] ) else: factor_range = user_plot_kwargs["y_range"] # Show the time and the value being plotted in a hover tool. hover_tool = bokeh.models.HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("Time", "@datetime{%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}"), ("MJD", "@queue_start_mjd{00000.000}"), (value_column.replace("_", " "), f"@{value_column}"), ], formatters={"@datetime": "datetime"}, ) # Use time as the horizontal axis and the usual default set of tools, # plus the hover tool. plot_kwargs = { "x_axis_label": "Time", "x_axis_type": "datetime", "y_range": factor_range, "tools": ["pan", "wheel_zoom", "box_zoom", "save", "reset", "help", hover_tool], } # Supplement the plot arguments with anything provided by the user. plot_kwargs.update(user_plot_kwargs) plot = bokeh.plotting.figure(**plot_kwargs) plot.xaxis[0].formatter = bokeh.models.DatetimeTickFormatter(hours="%H:%M") # Make the reward limit range slider values = df[value_column].values values_in_range = values[np.isfinite(values) & (values >= value_range_min) & (values <= value_range_max)] # Use nextafter so that the "high color" and "low color" are only # applied to value that actually fall outside the range, not # the ones actually on the limit (which do actually correspond # to the value on the scale). value_range_min = np.nextafter(np.min(values_in_range), -np.inf) value_range_max = np.nextafter(np.max(values_in_range), np.inf) if value_range_max == value_range_min: value_range_max = value_range_min + 1 value_range_min = value_range_max - 2 value_limit_selector = bokeh.models.RangeSlider( title="limits", width_policy="max", start=value_range_min, end=value_range_max, step=(value_range_max - value_range_min) / 100.0, value=(value_range_min, value_range_max), ) # Make the color map, if the user has not provided one. # CET-I2 is uniform brightness and doesn't look terrible # in the color-blindness simulators. if cmap is None: cmap = bokeh.transform.linear_cmap( field_name=value_column, palette=list(reversed(colorcet.palette["CET_I2"])), low=value_range_min, high=value_range_max, low_color="red", high_color="black", nan_color="magenta", ) # Update the color map when the range slider changes value_limit_select_jscode = """ const min_value = limit_select.value[0]; const max_value = limit_select.value[1]; color_map.transform.low = min_value; color_map.transform.high = max_value; """ value_limit_change_callback = bokeh.models.CustomJS( args={"color_map": cmap, "limit_select": value_limit_selector}, code=value_limit_select_jscode ) value_limit_selector.js_on_change("value", value_limit_change_callback) # Map the reward to the height. height_transform_jscode = """ const height = new Float64Array(xs.length); const low = limit_selector.value[0] const high = limit_selector.value[1] for (let i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) { if (xs[i] < low) { height[i] = min_height; } else if (xs[i] > high) { height[i] = max_height; } else { height[i] = min_height + (xs[i]-low) * (max_height-min_height)/(high-low) } } return height """ height_transform = bokeh.models.CustomJSTransform( args={"limit_selector": value_limit_selector, "min_height": 0.1, "max_height": 1.0}, v_func=height_transform_jscode, ) height_map = bokeh.transform.transform(value_column, height_transform) infeasible = np.isneginf(df[value_column]) if "feasible" in df: infeasible = np.logical_or(infeasible, np.logical_not(df.feasible)) # Put rectangles on the plot. # Do not show infinite or infeasible values; the get their own symbols # implemented later on. rect_filter_data = ~np.logical_or(np.isposinf(df[value_column]), infeasible) if bokeh.__version__.startswith("3.3"): # Work around a bug in bokeh 3.3.x: rect_filter_data = rect_filter_data.tolist() rect_filter = bokeh.models.BooleanFilter(rect_filter_data) rect_view = bokeh.models.CDSView(filter=rect_filter) rect_kwargs = dict( x="datetime", y=factor_column, width=pd.Timedelta(30, unit="s"), height=height_map, color=cmap, source=data_source, view=rect_view, ) rect_kwargs.update(user_rect_dict) rectangles = plot.rect(**rect_kwargs) # Mark infeasible points infeasible_filter_data = infeasible if bokeh.__version__.startswith("3.3"): # Work around a bug in bokeh 3.3.x: infeasible_filter_data = infeasible_filter_data.tolist() infeasible_filter = bokeh.models.BooleanFilter(infeasible_filter_data) infeasible_view = bokeh.models.CDSView(filter=infeasible_filter) infeasible_kwargs = {"marker": "x", "color": "red", "size": 10, "view": infeasible_view} if user_infeasible_kwargs is not None: infeasible_kwargs.update(user_infeasible_kwargs) plot.scatter( x="datetime", y=factor_column, source=data_source, **infeasible_kwargs, ) # Mark infinite points infinite_filter_data = np.isposinf(df[value_column]) if bokeh.__version__.startswith("3.3"): # Work around a bug in bokeh 3.3.x: infinite_filter_data = infinite_filter_data.tolist() infinite_filter = bokeh.models.BooleanFilter(infinite_filter_data) infinite_view = bokeh.models.CDSView(filter=infinite_filter) max_kwargs = {"marker": "triangle", "color": "black", "alpha": 0.5, "size": 10, "view": infinite_view} if user_max_kwargs is not None: max_kwargs.update(user_max_kwargs) plot.scatter( x="datetime", y=factor_column, source=data_source, **max_kwargs, ) plot.yaxis.group_label_orientation = "horizontal" # Add the color bar colorbar = rectangles.construct_color_bar() plot.add_layout(colorbar, "below") # Combine the range selection slider and the plot col = bokeh.layouts.column([plot, value_limit_selector]) return col
[docs] def reward_timeline_for_tier(rewards_df, tier, day_obs_mjd, show=True, **figure_kwargs): """Plot the reward timeline for basis functions in a specified tier. Parameters ---------- rewards_df : `pandas.DataFrame` The table of rewards data. tier : `int` The tier index, corresponding to the index of `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.schedulers.CoreScheduler.survey_lists`. day_obs_mjd : `int` The MJD of the day_obs of the night to plot. show : `bool` Actually show the plot? Defaults to `True`. **figure_kwargs Keyword arguments passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure`. Returns ------- `plot` : `bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM` The plot that can be shown or saved. """ # Use an 0.5 day offset to match dayobs rollover defined in SITCOMNT-32. # Use .copy() to avoid pandas problems with updates on views. rewards_df = rewards_df.query( f'tier_label == "tier {tier}" and floor(queue_start_mjd-0.5)=={day_obs_mjd}' ).copy() rewards_df.loc[~rewards_df.feasible, "max_basis_reward"] = np.nan rewards_df["tier_survey_bf"] = list( zip(rewards_df.tier_label, rewards_df.survey_label, rewards_df.basis_function) ) rewards_df.sort_index(ascending=False, inplace=True) plot_kwargs = { "title": "Basis function values (maximum over the sky)", "y_axis_label": "basis function", "height": max(256, 15 * len(rewards_df.tier_survey_bf.unique())), "width": 1024, } # If the plot is too big, don't even try. if plot_kwargs["height"] <= 4096: plot = make_timeline_bars( rewards_df, "tier_survey_bf", "max_basis_reward", user_plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs ) if show: else: print(f"Too many basis functions to plot, would by {plot_kwargs['height']} high.") plot = None return plot
[docs] def area_timeline_for_tier(rewards_df, tier, day_obs_mjd, show=True, **figure_kwargs): """Plot the feasible area timeline for basis funcs in a specified tier. Parameters ---------- rewards_df : `pandas.DataFrame` The table of rewards data. tier : `int` The tier index, corresponding to the index of `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.schedulers.CoreScheduler.survey_lists`. day_obs_mjd : `int` The MJD of the day_obs of the night to plot. show : `bool` Actually show the plot? Defaults to `True`. **figure_kwargs Keyword arguments passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure`. Returns ------- `plot` : `bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM` The plot that can be shown or saved. """ # Use an 0.5 day offset to match dayobs rollover defined in SITCOMNT-32. # Use .copy() to avoid pandas problems with updates on views. rewards_df = rewards_df.query( f'tier_label == "tier {tier}" and floor(queue_start_mjd-0.5)=={day_obs_mjd}' ).copy() rewards_df.loc[~rewards_df.feasible, "basis_area"] = np.nan rewards_df["tier_survey_bf"] = list( zip(rewards_df.tier_label, rewards_df.survey_label, rewards_df.basis_function) ) rewards_df.sort_index(ascending=False, inplace=True) # Mark "whole sky" (usually scalars) specially using "max" markers. rewards_df.loc[np.nextafter(rewards_df["basis_area"], np.inf) > 4 * 180 * 180 / np.pi, "basis_area"] = ( np.inf ) plot_kwargs = { "title": "Feasible area for basis function (sq. deg.)", "y_axis_label": "basis function", "height": max(256, 15 * len(rewards_df.tier_survey_bf.unique())), "width": 1024, } max_kwargs = {"color": "blue", "marker": "circle", "line_alpha": 1, "fill_alpha": 0, "size": 8} if plot_kwargs["height"] <= 4096: try: plot = make_timeline_bars( rewards_df, "tier_survey_bf", "basis_area", user_max_kwargs=max_kwargs, user_plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, ) if show: except ValueError: plot = None else: print(f"Too many surveys to plot, would by {plot_kwargs['height']} high.") plot = None return plot
[docs] def reward_timeline_for_surveys(rewards_df, day_obs_mjd, show=True, **figure_kwargs): """Plot the reward timeline for all surveys. Parameters ---------- rewards_df : `pandas.DataFrame` The table of rewards data. day_obs_mjd : `int` The MJD of the day_obs of the night to plot. show : `bool` Actually show the plot? Defaults to `True`. **figure_kwargs Keyword arguments passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure`. Returns ------- `plot` : `bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM` The plot that can be shown or saved. """ survey_rewards_df = ( rewards_df.groupby(["list_index", "survey_index", "queue_start_mjd", "queue_fill_mjd_ns"]) .agg( { "tier_label": "first", "survey_label": "first", "survey_class": "first", "survey_reward": "first", "feasible": "all", } ) .loc[:, ["tier_label", "survey_label", "survey_class", "survey_reward", "feasible"]] .reset_index(level=["queue_start_mjd", "queue_fill_mjd_ns"]) .query(f"floor(queue_start_mjd-0.5)=={day_obs_mjd}") .sort_index(ascending=False) ) survey_rewards_df.loc[~survey_rewards_df.feasible, "survey_reward"] = np.nan survey_rewards_df["tier_survey"] = list(zip(survey_rewards_df.tier_label, survey_rewards_df.survey_label)) plot_kwargs = { "title": "Survey rewards (maximum over the region of interest)", "y_axis_label": "survey", "height": max(256, 20 * len(survey_rewards_df.tier_survey.unique())), "width": 1024, } if plot_kwargs["height"] <= 4096: plot = make_timeline_bars( survey_rewards_df, "tier_survey", "survey_reward", value_range_max=100, user_plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, ) if show: else: print(f"Too many surveys to plot, would by {plot_kwargs['height']} high.") plot = None return plot
def nested_tier_reward_timeline_plot( rewards_df: pd.DataFrame, plot_func: Callable, day_obs_mjd: int, max_basis_functions_per_tab: int = 200, show: bool = True, ) -> bokeh.models.UIElement: """Plot rewards timelines tabs by tier. Parameters ---------- rewards_df : `pandas.DataFrame` The table of rewards data. plot_func : `Callable` Plot function to be called in each tab. day_obs_mjd : `int` The MJD of the day_obs of the night to plot max_basis_functions_per_tab : `int` Maximum basis functions to plot in each tab, by default 200 show : `bool` Actually show the plot? Defaults to `True`. Returns ------- plot : `bokeh.models.UIElement` The bokeh plot. """ tier_plot = {} tier_indexes = np.sort(rewards_df.reset_index().list_index.unique()) sorted_rewards_df = rewards_df.sort_index() for tier_index in tier_indexes: num_basis_functions = len( sorted_rewards_df.loc[tier_index, ("basis_function", "survey_label")].drop_duplicates() ) if num_basis_functions > max_basis_functions_per_tab: tier_plot[tier_index] = bokeh.models.Div(text="Too many basis functions to plot.") else: try: tier_plot[tier_index] = plot_func(rewards_df, tier_index, day_obs_mjd, show=False) except Exception as e: print(f"Not showing tier {tier_index} due to an exception: {str(e)}") tier_plot[tier_index] = None plot = bokeh.models.Tabs( tabs=[ bokeh.models.TabPanel(child=tier_plot[t], title=f"Tier {t}") for t in tier_indexes if tier_plot[t] is not None ] ) if show: return plot