Source code for schedview.plot.rewards

import warnings

import bokeh
import colorcet
import holoviews as hv
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from astropy.time import Time

# Imported to help sphinx make the link
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.model_observatory import ModelObservatory  # noqa F401

import schedview.collect.opsim
import schedview.collect.scheduler_pickle
import schedview.compute.astro
import schedview.compute.scheduler

__all__ = [

[docs] def plot_survey_rewards(rewards): """Plot survey rewards as a function of time. Parameters ---------- rewards : `pandas.DataFrame` Data with at least these columns: ``"survey_name"`` The name of the survey (`str`). ``"time"`` The sample time for the reward (`datetime64[ns]`). ``"reward"`` The reward (`float`). Returns ------- reward_plot : `bokeh.plotting.figure` The figure. """ reward_plot = ( rewards.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan) .loc[:, ["survey_name", "time", "reward"]] .hvplot(by=["survey_name"], x="time", y=["reward"], title="Rewards for each survey") .options({"Curve": {"color": hv.Cycle("Category20")}}) ) return reward_plot
[docs] def create_survey_reward_plot( scheduler, night_date, additional_visits=None, observatory=None, timezone="Chile/Continental", ): """Build a plot of rewards by survey for a time period. Parameters ---------- scheduler : `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.schedulers.Core_scheduler` or `str` The scheduler with the surveys to evaluate, or the name of a file from which such a scheduler should be loaded. night_date : `astropy.time.Time` A time during the night to plot. additional_visits : `pandas.DataFrame` or `str`, optional Visits to add to the scheduler before reward evaluation, by default None observatory : `ModelObservatory`, optional Provides the location of the observatory, used to compute night start and end times. By default None timezone : `str`, optional Timezone for horizontal axis, by default "Chile/Continental" Returns ------- figure : `bokeh.plotting.figure` The figure itself. data : `dict` The arguments used to produce the figure using `plot_survey_rewards`. """ site = None if observatory is None else observatory.location # Collect if isinstance(scheduler, str): scheduler, conditions = schedview.collect.scheduler_pickle.read_scheduler(scheduler) scheduler.update_conditions(conditions) if isinstance(additional_visits, str): night_events = schedview.compute.astro.night_events( night_date=night_date, site=site, timezone=timezone ) start_time = Time(night_events.loc["sunset", "UTC"]) end_time = Time(night_events.loc["sunrise", "UTC"]) additional_visits = schedview.collect.opsim.read_opsim( additional_visits, Time(start_time).iso, Time(end_time).iso ) # Compute if additional_visits is not None: schedview.compute.scheduler.replay_visits(scheduler, additional_visits) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning) rewards = schedview.compute.scheduler.compute_basis_function_rewards(scheduler) # Plot data = {"rewards": rewards} reward_plot = hv.render(plot_survey_rewards(**data)) return reward_plot, data
def make_timeline_bars( df, factor_column, value_column, value_range_min=-np.inf, value_range_max=np.inf, user_infeasible_kwargs=None, user_max_kwargs=None, user_plot_kwargs={}, user_rect_dict={}, cmap=None, ): """Create a stacked set of timelines with vertical colored bars. Parameters ---------- df : `pandas.DataFrame` The table of the data to plot. factor_column : `str` The name of the column determining the horizontal line on which values will be plotted. value_column : `str` The name of the column to map to bar height and color. value_range_min : `float` The low extreme value for height and color mapping. Defaults to `-numpy.inf`. value_range_max : `float` The high extreme value for height and color mapping. Defaults to `-numpy.inf`. user_infeasible_kwargs : `dict` or `None` Keyword arguments passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure.scatter` for points flagged infeasible. Defaults to `None`. user_max_kwargs : `dict` or `None` Keyword arguments passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure.scatter` for points with values higher than the range. Defaults to `None`. user_plot_kwargs : `dict` or `None` Keyword arguments passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure` when creating the instantiating it. user_rect_kwargs : `dict` or `None` Keyword arguments passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure.rect` for points within range. cmap : `Sequence` [`bokeh.colors.ColorLike`] The color map to use to color the rectangles. Returns ------- `plot` : `bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM` The plot that can be shown or saved. """ # Make the data source data_source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(df)["datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(df.queue_start_mjd + 2400000.5, origin="julian", unit="D") # Make the figure # If the user does not specify what rows (horizontal lines) should be # present in the plot, use all values in the input data. if "y_range" not in user_plot_kwargs: factor_range = bokeh.models.FactorRange( *[tuple(c) for c in df[factor_column].drop_duplicates().values] ) else: factor_range = user_plot_kwargs["y_range"] # Show the time and the value being plotted in a hover tool. hover_tool = bokeh.models.HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("Time", "@datetime{%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}"), ("MJD", "@queue_start_mjd{00000.000}"), (value_column.replace("_", " "), f"@{value_column}"), ], formatters={"@datetime": "datetime"}, ) # Use time as the horizontal axis and the usual default set of tools, # plus the hover tool. plot_kwargs = { "x_axis_label": "Time", "x_axis_type": "datetime", "y_range": factor_range, "tools": ["pan", "wheel_zoom", "box_zoom", "save", "reset", "help", hover_tool], } # Supplement the plot arguments with anything provided by the user. plot_kwargs.update(user_plot_kwargs) plot = bokeh.plotting.figure(**plot_kwargs) plot.xaxis[0].formatter = bokeh.models.DatetimeTickFormatter(hours="%H:%M") # Make the reward limit range slider values = df[value_column].values values_in_range = values[np.isfinite(values) & (values >= value_range_min) & (values <= value_range_max)] # Use nextafter so that the "high color" and "low color" are only # applied to value that actually fall outside the range, not # the ones actually on the limit (which do actually correspond # to the value on the scale). value_range_min = np.nextafter(np.min(values_in_range), -np.inf) value_range_max = np.nextafter(np.max(values_in_range), np.inf) if value_range_max == value_range_min: value_range_max = value_range_min + 1 value_range_min = value_range_max - 2 value_limit_selector = bokeh.models.RangeSlider( title="limits", width_policy="max", start=value_range_min, end=value_range_max, step=(value_range_max - value_range_min) / 100.0, value=(value_range_min, value_range_max), ) # Make the color map, if the user has not provided one. # CET-I2 is uniform brightness and doesn't look terrible # in the color-blindness simulators. if cmap is None: cmap = bokeh.transform.linear_cmap( field_name=value_column, palette=list(reversed(colorcet.palette["CET_I2"])), low=value_range_min, high=value_range_max, low_color="red", high_color="black", nan_color="magenta", ) # Update the color map when the range slider changes value_limit_select_jscode = """ const min_value = limit_select.value[0]; const max_value = limit_select.value[1]; color_map.transform.low = min_value; color_map.transform.high = max_value; """ value_limit_change_callback = bokeh.models.CustomJS( args={"color_map": cmap, "limit_select": value_limit_selector}, code=value_limit_select_jscode ) value_limit_selector.js_on_change("value", value_limit_change_callback) # Map the reward to the height. height_transform_jscode = """ const height = new Float64Array(xs.length); const low = limit_selector.value[0] const high = limit_selector.value[1] for (let i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) { if (xs[i] < low) { height[i] = min_height; } else if (xs[i] > high) { height[i] = max_height; } else { height[i] = min_height + (xs[i]-low) * (max_height-min_height)/(high-low) } } return height """ height_transform = bokeh.models.CustomJSTransform( args={"limit_selector": value_limit_selector, "min_height": 0.1, "max_height": 1.0}, v_func=height_transform_jscode, ) height_map = bokeh.transform.transform(value_column, height_transform) infeasible = np.isneginf(df[value_column]) if "feasible" in df: infeasible = np.logical_or(infeasible, np.logical_not(df.feasible)) # Put rectangles on the plot. # Do not show infinite or infeasible values; the get their own symbols # implemented later on. rect_filter_data = ~np.logical_or(np.isposinf(df[value_column]), infeasible) if bokeh.__version__.startswith("3.3"): # Work around a bug in bokeh 3.3.x: rect_filter_data = rect_filter_data.tolist() rect_filter = bokeh.models.BooleanFilter(rect_filter_data) rect_view = bokeh.models.CDSView(filter=rect_filter) rect_kwargs = dict( x="datetime", y=factor_column, width=pd.Timedelta(30, unit="s"), height=height_map, color=cmap, source=data_source, view=rect_view, ) rect_kwargs.update(user_rect_dict) rectangles = plot.rect(**rect_kwargs) # Mark infeasible points infeasible_filter_data = infeasible if bokeh.__version__.startswith("3.3"): # Work around a bug in bokeh 3.3.x: infeasible_filter_data = infeasible_filter_data.tolist() infeasible_filter = bokeh.models.BooleanFilter(infeasible_filter_data) infeasible_view = bokeh.models.CDSView(filter=infeasible_filter) infeasible_kwargs = {"marker": "x", "color": "red", "size": 10, "view": infeasible_view} if user_infeasible_kwargs is not None: infeasible_kwargs.update(user_infeasible_kwargs) plot.scatter( x="datetime", y=factor_column, source=data_source, **infeasible_kwargs, ) # Mark infinite points infinite_filter_data = np.isposinf(df[value_column]) if bokeh.__version__.startswith("3.3"): # Work around a bug in bokeh 3.3.x: infinite_filter_data = infinite_filter_data.tolist() infinite_filter = bokeh.models.BooleanFilter(infinite_filter_data) infinite_view = bokeh.models.CDSView(filter=infinite_filter) max_kwargs = {"marker": "triangle", "color": "black", "alpha": 0.5, "size": 10, "view": infinite_view} if user_max_kwargs is not None: max_kwargs.update(user_max_kwargs) plot.scatter( x="datetime", y=factor_column, source=data_source, **max_kwargs, ) plot.yaxis.group_label_orientation = "horizontal" # Add the color bar colorbar = rectangles.construct_color_bar() plot.add_layout(colorbar, "below") # Combine the range selection slider and the plot col = bokeh.layouts.column([plot, value_limit_selector]) return col
[docs] def reward_timeline_for_tier(rewards_df, tier, day_obs_mjd, show=True, **figure_kwargs): """Plot the reward timeline for basis functions in a specified tier. Parameters ---------- rewards_df : `pandas.DataFrame` The table of rewards data. tier : `int` The tier index, corresponding to the index of `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.schedulers.CoreScheduler.survey_lists`. day_obs_mjd : `int` The MJD of the day_obs of the night to plot. show : `bool` Actually show the plot? Defaults to `True`. **figure_kwargs Keyword arguments passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure`. Returns ------- `plot` : `bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM` The plot that can be shown or saved. """ # Use an 0.5 day offset to match dayobs rollover defined in SITCOMNT-32. # Use .copy() to avoid pandas problems with updates on views. rewards_df = rewards_df.query( f'tier_label == "tier {tier}" and floor(queue_start_mjd-0.5)=={day_obs_mjd}' ).copy() rewards_df.loc[~rewards_df.feasible, "max_basis_reward"] = np.nan rewards_df["tier_survey_bf"] = list( zip(rewards_df.tier_label, rewards_df.survey_label, rewards_df.basis_function) ) rewards_df.sort_index(ascending=False, inplace=True) plot_kwargs = { "title": "Basis function values (maximum over the sky)", "y_axis_label": "basis function", "height": max(256, 15 * len(rewards_df.tier_survey_bf.unique())), "width": 1024, } # If the plot is too big, don't even try. if plot_kwargs["height"] <= 4096: plot = make_timeline_bars( rewards_df, "tier_survey_bf", "max_basis_reward", user_plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs ) if show: else: print(f"Too many basis functions to plot, would by {plot_kwargs['height']} high.") plot = None return plot
[docs] def area_timeline_for_tier(rewards_df, tier, day_obs_mjd, show=True, **figure_kwargs): """Plot the feasible area timeline for basis funcs in a specified tier. Parameters ---------- rewards_df : `pandas.DataFrame` The table of rewards data. tier : `int` The tier index, corresponding to the index of `rubin_scheduler.scheduler.schedulers.CoreScheduler.survey_lists`. day_obs_mjd : `int` The MJD of the day_obs of the night to plot. show : `bool` Actually show the plot? Defaults to `True`. **figure_kwargs Keyword arguments passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure`. Returns ------- `plot` : `bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM` The plot that can be shown or saved. """ # Use an 0.5 day offset to match dayobs rollover defined in SITCOMNT-32. # Use .copy() to avoid pandas problems with updates on views. rewards_df = rewards_df.query( f'tier_label == "tier {tier}" and floor(queue_start_mjd-0.5)=={day_obs_mjd}' ).copy() rewards_df.loc[~rewards_df.feasible, "basis_area"] = np.nan rewards_df["tier_survey_bf"] = list( zip(rewards_df.tier_label, rewards_df.survey_label, rewards_df.basis_function) ) rewards_df.sort_index(ascending=False, inplace=True) # Mark "whole sky" (usually scalars) specially using "max" markers. rewards_df.loc[np.nextafter(rewards_df["basis_area"], np.inf) > 4 * 180 * 180 / np.pi, "basis_area"] = ( np.inf ) plot_kwargs = { "title": "Feasible area for basis function (sq. deg.)", "y_axis_label": "basis function", "height": max(256, 15 * len(rewards_df.tier_survey_bf.unique())), "width": 1024, } max_kwargs = {"color": "blue", "marker": "circle", "line_alpha": 1, "fill_alpha": 0, "size": 8} if plot_kwargs["height"] <= 4096: try: plot = make_timeline_bars( rewards_df, "tier_survey_bf", "basis_area", user_max_kwargs=max_kwargs, user_plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, ) if show: except ValueError: plot = None else: print(f"Too many surveys to plot, would by {plot_kwargs['height']} high.") plot = None return plot
[docs] def reward_timeline_for_surveys(rewards_df, day_obs_mjd, show=True, **figure_kwargs): """Plot the reward timeline for all surveys. Parameters ---------- rewards_df : `pandas.DataFrame` The table of rewards data. day_obs_mjd : `int` The MJD of the day_obs of the night to plot. show : `bool` Actually show the plot? Defaults to `True`. **figure_kwargs Keyword arguments passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure`. Returns ------- `plot` : `bokeh.models.layouts.LayoutDOM` The plot that can be shown or saved. """ survey_rewards_df = ( rewards_df.groupby(["list_index", "survey_index", "queue_start_mjd", "queue_fill_mjd_ns"]) .agg( { "tier_label": "first", "survey_label": "first", "survey_class": "first", "survey_reward": "first", "feasible": "all", } ) .loc[:, ["tier_label", "survey_label", "survey_class", "survey_reward", "feasible"]] .reset_index(level=["queue_start_mjd", "queue_fill_mjd_ns"]) .query(f"floor(queue_start_mjd-0.5)=={day_obs_mjd}") .sort_index(ascending=False) ) survey_rewards_df.loc[~survey_rewards_df.feasible, "survey_reward"] = np.nan survey_rewards_df["tier_survey"] = list(zip(survey_rewards_df.tier_label, survey_rewards_df.survey_label)) plot_kwargs = { "title": "Survey rewards (maximum over the region of interest)", "y_axis_label": "survey", "height": max(256, 20 * len(survey_rewards_df.tier_survey.unique())), "width": 1024, } if plot_kwargs["height"] <= 4096: plot = make_timeline_bars( survey_rewards_df, "tier_survey", "survey_reward", value_range_max=100, user_plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, ) if show: else: print(f"Too many surveys to plot, would by {plot_kwargs['height']} high.") plot = None return plot