Source code for schedview.plot.overhead

from io import StringIO
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET

import bokeh
import numpy as np

from .colors import make_band_cmap

[docs] def create_overhead_summary_table(overhead_summary, html=True): """Make a formatted table from an overhead summary dictionary Parameters ---------- `overhead_summary`: `dict` A dictionary of summary values, as computed by `schedview.compute.visits.compute_overhead_summary` `html`: `bool` Format the table with html? Defaults to True Returns ------- `summary` : `str` Formatted summary. """ stat_name = { "relative_start_time": "Open shutter of first exposure", "relative_end_time": "Close shutter time of last exposure", "total_time": "Total wall clock time", "num_exposures": "Number of exposures", "total_exptime": "Total open shutter time", "mean_gap_time": "Mean gap time", "median_gap_time": "Median gap time", } stat_str_template = { "relative_start_time": "{:5.2f} minutes before 12 degree evening twilight", "relative_end_time": "{:5.2f} minutes before 12 degree morning twilight", "total_time": "{:4.2f} hours", "num_exposures": "{}", "total_exptime": "{:4.2f} hours", "mean_gap_time": "{:7.2f} seconds", "median_gap_time": "{:7.2f} seconds", } with StringIO() as result_io: if html: summary = ET.Element("dl") for stat_key in overhead_summary: name_el = ET.Element("dt") name_el.text = stat_name[stat_key] value_el = ET.Element("dd") value_el.text = stat_str_template[stat_key].format(overhead_summary[stat_key]) summary.append(name_el) summary.append(value_el) ET.ElementTree(summary).write(result_io, encoding="unicode", method="html") else: for stat_key in overhead_summary: print( stat_name[stat_key], ": ", stat_str_template[stat_key].format(overhead_summary[stat_key]), file=result_io, ) result = result_io.getvalue() return result
[docs] def create_overhead_histogram(visits, bins=np.arange(30), plot=None, **kwargs): """Create a histogram of visit overhead times. Paramaters ---------- `visits` : `pandas.DataFrame` The table of visits, with overhead data (see add_overhead) `bins` : `numpy.ndarray` Bin locations for the histogram. `plot` : `bokeh.models.plots.Plot` or None The figure on which to plot the histogram. None creates a new figure. Defaults to None. Returns ------- `plot` : `bokeh.models.plots.Plot` The figure with the histogram. """ hist, edges = np.histogram(visits.overhead, density=False, bins=bins) if plot is None: plot = bokeh.plotting.figure( title="Overhead", x_axis_label="Overhead (seconds)", y_axis_label="Number of visits" ) quad_kwargs = {"line_color": "white"} quad_kwargs.update(kwargs) plot.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:], **quad_kwargs) return plot
[docs] def plot_overhead_vs_slew_distance(visits, plot=None, **kwargs): """Plot visit overhead times. Paramaters ---------- `visits` : `pandas.DataFrame` The table of visits, with overhead data (see add_overhead) `bins` : `numpy.ndarray` Bin locations for the histogram. `plot` : `bokeh.models.plots.Plot` or None The figure on which to plot the histogram. None creates a new figure. Defaults to None. Returns ------- `plot` : `bokeh.models.plots.Plot` The figure with the histogram. """ if plot is None: plot = bokeh.plotting.figure( title="Overhead vs. slew distance", y_axis_label="overhead (sec.)", x_axis_label="slew distance (deg.)", ) band_column = "band" if "band" in visits else "filter" band_cmap = make_band_cmap(band_column) circle_kwargs = {"color": band_cmap, "fill_alpha": 0.3, "marker": "circle"} circle_kwargs.update(kwargs) for band in band_cmap.transform.factors: these_visits = visits.query(f'{band_column} == "{band}"') if len(these_visits) > 0: plot.scatter( x="slewDistance", y="overhead", source=these_visits, legend_label=band, **circle_kwargs ) legend = plot.legend[0] legend.orientation = "horizontal" plot.add_layout(legend, "below") return plot