Source code for schedview.plot.nightbf

import itertools

import bokeh
import numpy as np
from astropy.time import Time
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.model_observatory import ModelObservatory

def _extract_night(df, mjd_column, night, observatory=None):
    if observatory is None:
        observatory = ModelObservatory()

    # Add 1, so we use the date of the pm of the night instead of the am
    # as our reference.
    mjd = Time(night.isoformat()).mjd + 1
    sun_info = observatory.almanac.get_sunset_info(mjd)
    sunset = sun_info["sunset"]
    sunrise = sun_info["sunrise"]

    limited_df = df.query(f"{sunset} <= {mjd_column} <= {sunrise}").copy()

    mjd_limits = (sunset, sunrise)

    return limited_df, mjd_limits

[docs] def plot_rewards( reward_df, tier_label, night, observatory=None, obs_rewards=None, surveys=None, basis_function="Total", plot_kwargs={}, ): """Create the plot showing reward values by survey. Parameters ---------- reward_df : `pandas.DataFrame` The rewards by survey, as recorded by the `scheduler` instance when running the simulation. tier_label : `str` The label for the tier to plot. night : `astropy.time.Time` The night to plot. observatory : `ModelObservatory` The model observatory to use. obs_rewards : `pandas.DataFrame` The mapping between scheduler calls and simulated observations, as recorded by the `scheduler` instance. surveys : `list` [`str`], optional A list of the survey names to plot. Default to all surveys in the tier. basis_funtions : `list` [`str`], optional A list of names of basis function to plot. Defaults to all basis functions in the tier. plot_kwards : `dict` A dictionary of keyword parameters passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure`. Returns ------- app : `bokeh.plotting.figure` The figure itself. """ tier_reward_df = reward_df.set_index("tier_label").loc[tier_label, :].set_index("survey_label") # If surveys is set, only show listed surveys if surveys is not None: tier_reward_df = tier_reward_df.loc[surveys, :] # Show only the night in question tier_reward_df, mjd_limits = _extract_night(tier_reward_df, "queue_start_mjd", night, observatory) survey_labels = tier_reward_df.index.unique() num_surveys = len(survey_labels) if num_surveys < 1: plot = bokeh.plotting.figure( title="Reward", x_axis_label="MJD", y_axis_label="Reward", x_range=mjd_limits, **plot_kwargs, ) message = bokeh.models.Label( x=10, y=70, x_units="screen", y_units="screen", text="No surveys selected for plotting", ) plot.add_layout(message) return plot if num_surveys <= 10: colors = bokeh.palettes.Category10[max(4, num_surveys - 1)] else: colors = itertools.cycle(bokeh.palettes.Category20[min(num_surveys, 20)]) if basis_function != "Total": try: y_column = "max_basis_reward" plot_title = f"Value of {basis_function}" y_axis_label = f"{basis_function} value" tier_value_df = ( tier_reward_df.set_index("basis_function", append=True) .reorder_levels(["basis_function", "survey_label"]) .loc[basis_function, :] ).drop_duplicates() except KeyError: # The basis fuction was not applicable to any selected surveys. plot = bokeh.plotting.figure( title=plot_title, x_axis_label="MJD", y_axis_label=y_axis_label, x_range=mjd_limits, **plot_kwargs, ) message = bokeh.models.Label( x=10, y=70, x_units="screen", y_units="screen", text="No selected surveys have the selected basis function", ) plot.add_layout(message) return plot if basis_function == "Total": y_column = "survey_reward" plot_title = "Total reward" y_axis_label = "Total reward returned for survey" tier_value_df = tier_reward_df.loc[ :, ["queue_start_mjd", "queue_fill_mjd_ns", y_column] ].drop_duplicates() plot = bokeh.plotting.figure( title=plot_title, x_axis_label="MJD", y_axis_label=y_axis_label, x_range=mjd_limits, **plot_kwargs, ) for survey_label, color in zip(tier_value_df.index.unique(), colors): this_survey_reward_df = tier_value_df.loc[[survey_label], :] survey_reward_ds = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(this_survey_reward_df) plot.scatter( x="queue_start_mjd", y=y_column, color=color, legend_label=survey_label, source=survey_reward_ds, ) if obs_rewards is None: plot.line( x="queue_start_mjd", y=y_column, color=color, legend_label=survey_label, source=survey_reward_ds, ) else: fill_mjds = set(this_survey_reward_df["queue_fill_mjd_ns"]) fill_obs_mjds = obs_rewards.reset_index().set_index("queue_fill_mjd_ns") for fill_mjd in fill_mjds: try: obs_mjds = fill_obs_mjds.loc[fill_mjd, "mjd"] except KeyError: # The scheduler was called, but no visits chosen by the # call were observed. continue reward = this_survey_reward_df.query(f"queue_fill_mjd_ns=={fill_mjd}")[y_column].iloc[0] if not np.isfinite(reward): continue if np.ndim(obs_mjds) == 0: fill_source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource( data={"obs_mjd": [obs_mjds], "reward": [reward]} ) else: fill_source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource( data={ "obs_mjd": obs_mjds, "reward": np.full_like(obs_mjds, reward), } ) plot.line(x="obs_mjd", y="reward", color=color, source=fill_source) plot.add_layout(plot.legend[0], "left") return plot
[docs] def plot_infeasible(reward_df, tier_label, night, observatory=None, surveys=None, plot_kwargs={}): """Create a plot showing infeasible basis functions. Parameters ---------- reward_df : `pandas.DataFrame` The rewards by survey, as recorded by the `scheduler` instance when running the simulation. tier_label : `str` The label for the tier to plot. night : `astropy.time.Time` The night to plot. observatory : `ModelObservatory` The model observatory to use. surveys : `list` [`str`], optional A list of the survey names to plot. Default to all surveys in the tier. plot_kwards : `dict` A dictionary of keyword parameters passed to `bokeh.plotting.figure`. Returns ------- app : `bokeh.plotting.figure` The figure itself. """ tier_df = (reward_df.reset_index().set_index("tier_label").loc[tier_label, :]).query("not feasible") if surveys is not None: available_surveys = [s for s in surveys if s in tier_df.survey_label.unique()] if len(available_surveys) == 0: # None of the selected surveys have infeasible basis functions plot = bokeh.plotting.figure( title="Infeasible", x_axis_label="MJD", y_axis_label="Basis function", **plot_kwargs, ) message = bokeh.models.Label( x=10, y=70, x_units="screen", y_units="screen", text="No surveys with infeasible basis functions selected", ) plot.add_layout(message) return plot else: tier_df = tier_df.set_index("survey_label").loc[available_surveys, :].reset_index() tier_df, mjd_limits = _extract_night(tier_df, "queue_start_mjd", night, observatory) tier_df["survey_bf"] = list(zip(tier_df.survey_label, tier_df.basis_function)) categories = ( tier_df.sort_values(["survey_index", "basis_function"]) .drop_duplicates("survey_bf")["survey_bf"] .values ) factor_range = bokeh.models.FactorRange(*[tuple(c) for c in categories]) # Keep bokeh from complaining about having to truncate the integer tier_df["queue_fill_mjd_ns"] = tier_df["queue_fill_mjd_ns"].astype(np.float64) infeasible_ds = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(tier_df) plot = bokeh.plotting.figure( title="Infeasible", x_axis_label="MJD", y_axis_label="Basis function", y_range=factor_range, x_range=mjd_limits, **plot_kwargs, ) plot.scatter(x="queue_start_mjd", y="survey_bf", source=infeasible_ds) plot.yaxis.group_label_orientation = "horizontal" return plot