Source code for schedview.compute.multisim

import itertools
import math

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs] def often_repeated_fields(visits: pd.DataFrame, min_counts: int = 4): """Find often repeated fields in a table of visits. Parameters ---------- visits : `pandas.DataFrame` The visits as a DataFrame with the following columns: ``fieldRA`` R.A. in degrees. ``fieldDec`` Declination in degrees. ``filter`` The filter. ``sim_index`` An ``int`` identifying which simulation a visit came from. ``start_date`` The starting ``datetime64[ns, UTC]`` for the visit. ``label`` The ``str`` label for the simulation. min_counts : `int` The minimum visits in a single simulation a field must have to be considererd "often visited". Returns ------- often_repeated_fields: `pandas.DataFrame` The table of repeated field parameters, with the following columns: ``fieldRA`` R.A. in degrees. ``fieldDec`` Declination in degrees. ``filter`` The filter. often_repeated_field_stats: `pandas.DataFrame` Statistics on the repetitions of each field. The index is a ``pandas.MultiIndex`` with the following levels: ``fieldRA`` R.A. in degrees. ``fieldDec`` Declination in degrees. ``filter`` The filter. ``sim_index`` An ``int`` identifying which simulation a visit came from. The columns are: ``count`` The (``int``) number of visits in the simulation on the field. ``first_time`` The ``datetime64[ns, UTC]`` start time of the first visit to the field in the simulation. ``last_time`` The ``datetime64[ns, UTC]`` start time of the last visit to the field in the simulation. ``label`` The ``str`` label for the simulation. Notes ----- This created table is intended to provide overviews of sets of visits to specific fields for which the specific pointing and filter combinations are of particular interest (e.g. DDF fields). """ field_repeats: pd.DataFrame = visits.groupby(["fieldRA", "fieldDec", "filter", "sim_index"]).agg( {"start_date": ["count", "min", "max"], "label": "first"} ) column_map: dict[tuple[str, str], str] = { ("start_date", "count"): "count", ("start_date", "min"): "first_time", ("start_date", "max"): "last_time", ("label", "first"): "label", } # type hinting doesn't recognize that the column names in a multiindex # are tuples. field_repeats.columns = pd.Index([column_map[c] for c in field_repeats.columns]) # type: ignore # Get the index in ra/dec/filter then use that as in index so we can show # instances in simulations that have fewer than four visits of a field the # is often visited in another simulation. often_repeated_fields = ( field_repeats.query(f"count >= {min_counts}").droplevel("sim_index", "index").index.unique() ) often_repeated_field_stats: pd.DataFrame = ( field_repeats.reset_index("sim_index") .loc[often_repeated_fields, :] .set_index("sim_index", append=True) ) return often_repeated_fields.to_frame(), often_repeated_field_stats
[docs] def count_visits_by_sim( visits: pd.DataFrame, sim_identifier_column: str = "sim_index", visit_spec_columns: tuple[str, ...] = ("fieldRA", "fieldDec", "filter", "visitExposureTime"), ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Count the numbers of visits on each field in each simulation. Parameters ---------- visits : `pd.DataFrame` A table that must include both the columns listed in ``sim_identifier_column`` and ``visit_spec_columns`` (below). This ``DataFrame`` should include visits from all simulations to be compared, with a column that identifies which simulation each visits was from (sepecified by ``sim_identifier_column``). sim_identifier_column : `str`, optional A column that uniquely identifies visits, by default "sim_index" visit_spec_columns : `tuple`[`str`], optional Columns that, together, uniquely identify a field that can be visited, by default ("fieldRA", "fieldDec", "filter", "visitExposureTime") Returns ------- visit_counts : `pd.DataFrame` A table in which columns listed in the ``visit_spec_columns`` constitute levels of the `pd.MultiIndex`, and each unique value of the column listed in ``sim_identifier_column`` has a column named after it. The values are the numbers of visits in the corresponding combination of visit parameters in identified simulation. """ visit_counts = ( visits.groupby([sim_identifier_column] + list(visit_spec_columns)) .count() .iloc[:, 0] .rename("count") .reset_index() .pivot(index=list(visit_spec_columns), columns=[sim_identifier_column], values="count") .fillna(0) .astype(int) ) return visit_counts
def fraction_common(visit_counts: pd.DataFrame, sim1: int | str, sim2: int | str, match_count: bool = True): """Count the fraction of visits in simulation 2 that it has with sim 1. Parameters ---------- visit_counts : `pd.DataFrame` A table of the number of counts of field in each simulation. Each row corresponds to a field, and the table must includes columns with the names set by the ``sim1`` and ``sim2`` parameters below. Values are integers. sim1 : `int` | `str` The name of the column with the counts for the reference simulation. sim2 : `int` | `str` The name of the column with the counts for the comparison simulation. match_count : `bool`, optional Match "one to one" between fields. For example, if sim1 has 4 visits on a field and sim2 has 11, then if match_count is True, then sim1 will be reported as having 4 matches with sim2, and sim2 as 4 matches with sim1. But, if match_count is False, then sim1 will still be reported as having 4 matches with sim2, but sim2 will be reported as having 11 matches with sim1. By default True Returns ------- fraction_common: `float` The fraction of visits in sim2 that it has in common with sim1. """ # Only count fields for which there is at least one visit in sim1 these_visit_counts: pd.DataFrame = visit_counts.loc[visit_counts[sim2] > 0, :] if not match_count: # if we are not matching counts, visits in sim1 can match any number # of visits is sim2. present_in_sim1 = these_visit_counts.loc[:, sim1] > 0 these_visit_counts.loc[present_in_sim1, sim1] = np.iinfo(np.int32).max num_common_visits = these_visit_counts[[sim2, sim1]].min(axis="columns").sum() num_visits2 = these_visit_counts[sim2].sum() fraction_common = num_common_visits / num_visits2 return fraction_common def make_fraction_common_matrix( visit_counts: pd.DataFrame, match_count: bool = True, sim_indexes: list | None = None ): """Create a matric showing overlap fractions between different simulations. Parameters ---------- visit_counts : `pd.DataFrame` A data frame in which each row corresponds to a set of visits on a common field, each row to a simulation, and the value in each cell the number of visits to the field in each simulation. match_count : `bool`, optional Match visits "one to one" acress simulations if True, (potentialy) many to one if False, by default True sim_indexes : `list` or `None`, optional The list of simulations to include. Each value in the list must be a column name in ``visit_counts``. If ``None``, use all columns. By default, ``None``. Returns ------- common_matrix : `pd.DataFrame` A matrix with one row and column for each value in ``sim_indexes`` (or every column in ``visit_counts``, if ``sim_indexes`` was ``None``.) The value in row r, column y is the fraction of visits in simulation y that are also present in simulation r. """ if sim_indexes is None: sim_indexes = list(visit_counts.columns.values) common_matrix = pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=sim_indexes, columns=sim_indexes) for row in sim_indexes: for column in sim_indexes: common_matrix.loc[row, column] = fraction_common( visit_counts, row, column, match_count=match_count ) return common_matrix
[docs] def match_visits_across_sims( start_times: pd.Series, sim_indexes: tuple[int, int] = (1, 2), max_match_dist: float = np.inf ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Match corresponding visits across two opsim simulations. Parameters ---------- start_times : `pd.Series` A series of dtype ``datetime64[ns, UTC]`` indexed by simulation id, such that ``start_times.loc[1].iloc[3]`` is the start time of the fourth visit to a field in simulation 1. sim_indexes : `tuple`[`int`], optional The simulations to compare, by default (1, 2) max_match_dist : `float`, optional The maximum time difference to allow for a match, in seconds, by default np.inf Returns ------- best_match : `pd.DataFrame` A data frame with one row for each matched visits, columns named for each simulation index with the start times for the matched visits, and a column named ``delta`` with the time difference in seconds. """ for sim_index in sim_indexes: if sim_index not in start_times.index: return pd.DataFrame({sim_indexes[0]: [], sim_indexes[1]: [], "delta": []}) if len(start_times.loc[[sim_indexes[0]]]) >= len(start_times.loc[[sim_indexes[1]]]): sim_map = {"longer": sim_indexes[0], "shorter": sim_indexes[1]} else: sim_map = {"longer": sim_indexes[1], "shorter": sim_indexes[0]} longer = start_times.loc[[sim_map["longer"]]].reset_index(drop=True) shorter = start_times.loc[[sim_map["shorter"]]].reset_index(drop=True) num_combinations = math.comb(len(longer), len(shorter)) if num_combinations > 1000: # There are too many combinations to do a complete search in reasonable # time so assume the matches are sequential. def make_seq_iter(num_offsets, sequence_length): for i in range(num_offsets): yield np.arange(sequence_length) + i combo_iterator = make_seq_iter(len(longer) - len(shorter), len(shorter)) else: combo_iterator = itertools.combinations(np.arange(len(longer)), len(shorter)) # Use copy here so that the column in the dataframe can be update without # corrupting the origin longer Series. matches = pd.DataFrame({"longer": longer[: len(shorter)].copy(), "shorter": shorter.copy()}) best_max_diff = np.inf # msdiff => mean squared difference best_msdiff = np.inf most_matches = 0 best_match = None for matched_ids in combo_iterator: these_longer = longer[np.array(matched_ids)].copy() these_longer.index = matches.index matches.loc[:, "longer"] = these_longer matches["delta"] = (matches.shorter - matches.longer).dt.total_seconds() good_matches = matches.query(f"abs(delta) < {max_match_dist}") num_matches = len(good_matches) max_diff = np.abs(matches["delta"]).max() # msdiff => mean squared difference msdiff = (matches["delta"] ** 2).mean() if num_matches >= most_matches: if (max_diff < best_max_diff) or (max_diff == best_max_diff and msdiff < best_msdiff): best_match = good_matches.copy().rename(columns=sim_map) best_max_diff = max_diff best_msdiff = msdiff most_matches = num_matches assert best_match is not None return best_match
[docs] def compute_matched_visit_delta_statistics( visits: pd.DataFrame, sim_identifier_reference_value: int | str = 1, sim_identifier_column: str = "sim_index", visit_spec_columns: tuple[str, ...] = ("fieldRA", "fieldDec", "filter", "visitExposureTime"), ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Compute statistics on time differencse in visits matched across sims. Parameters ---------- visits : `pd.DataFrame` _description_ sim_identifier_reference_value : `int` or `str`, optional Value of sim_identifier_column for the reference simulation times, by default 1. sim_identifier_column : `str`, optional Column that in visits that identifies simulations, by default "sim_index". visit_spec_columns : `tuple[str, ...]`, optional Columns in ``visits`` whose values need to match to be matched across simulations, by default ("fieldRA", "fieldDec", "filter", "visitExposureTime") Returns ------- matched_visit_delta_stats : `pd.DataFrame` Statistics for each matched field. The index is a `pandas.MultiIndex` with levels matching those specified by ``visit_spec_columns``, and there are columns for these statistics: ``count``, ``mean``, ``std``, ``min``, ``25%``, ``50%``, ``75%``, ``max``. """ delta_stats_list = [] def _compute_best_match_delta_stats( these_visits: pd.DataFrame, sim_identifier_values: tuple[int, int], sim_identifier_column: str | int = "sim_index", ) -> pd.Series: these_matches = match_visits_across_sims( these_visits.set_index(sim_identifier_column).start_date, sim_identifier_values ) return these_matches.loc[:, "delta"].describe() for sim_identifier_comparison_value in visits[sim_identifier_column].unique(): if sim_identifier_comparison_value == sim_identifier_reference_value: continue sim_identifier_values = [sim_identifier_reference_value, sim_identifier_comparison_value] these_delta_stats = ( visits.groupby(list(visit_spec_columns)) .apply( _compute_best_match_delta_stats, sim_identifier_values=sim_identifier_values, sim_identifier_column=sim_identifier_column, include_groups=False, ) .query("count > 0") ) these_delta_stats[sim_identifier_column] = sim_identifier_comparison_value delta_stats_list.append(these_delta_stats) matched_visit_delta_stats = ( pd.concat(delta_stats_list).set_index(sim_identifier_column, append=True).sort_index() ) return matched_visit_delta_stats