Source code for
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
class LsstCameraFootprintPerimeter(object):
"""Compute vertices surrounding the LSST camera footprint."""
footprint_wide_rafts = 5
footprint_thin_rafts = 3
footprint_width_deg = 3.5
def __init__(self):
raft_width_deg = self.footprint_width_deg / self.footprint_wide_rafts
offsets = (
self.footprint_width_deg - raft_width_deg,
self.vertices = pd.DataFrame(
"x": [
offsets[i] - self.footprint_width_deg / 2 for i in (0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0)
"y": [
offsets[i] - self.footprint_width_deg / 2 for i in (2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2)
self.vertices["angle"] = np.degrees(np.arctan2(self.vertices.y, self.vertices.x))
self.vertices["r"] = np.hypot(self.vertices.y, self.vertices.x)
def single_eq_vertices(self, ra, decl, rotation=0):
"""Compute vertices for a single pair of equatorial coordinates
ra : `float`
The R.A. (in degrees)
decl : `float`
The declination (in degrees)
rotation : `float`
The camera rotation (in degrees)
ra : `np.ndarray`
An array of the R.A. of the vertices of the polygon surrounding
the camera footprint (degrees).
decl : `np.ndarray`
An array of the declinations of the vertices of the polygon
surrounding the camera footprint (degrees).
center = SkyCoord(ra, decl, unit="deg")
# rotation matches the sense used by
# rubin_scheduler.utils.camera_footprint.LsstCameraFootprint
eq_vertices = center.directional_offset_by(
(self.vertices.angle.values + rotation) * u.deg,
self.vertices.r.values * u.deg,
ra = eq_vertices.ra.deg
decl = eq_vertices.dec.deg
return ra, decl
def __call__(self, ra, decl, rotation=0):
"""Compute vertices for a single pair of equatorial coordinates
ra : `np.ndarray`
The R.A. of pointings (in degrees)
decl : `np.ndarray`
The declination of pointings (in degrees)
rotation : `float` or `np.ndarray`
The camera rotation(s) (in degrees)
ra : `np.ndarray`
An array of the R.A. of the vertices of the polygon surrounding
the camera footprints (degrees).
decl : `np.ndarray`
An array of the declinations of the vertices of the polygon
surrounding the camera footprints (degrees).
if np.isscalar(ra):
return self.single_eq_vertices(ra, decl, rotation)
if np.isscalar(rotation):
rotation = np.full_like(ra, rotation)
vertex_ras, vertex_decls = [], []
for this_ra, this_decl, this_rotation in zip(ra, decl, rotation):
this_vertex_ra, this_vertex_decl = self.single_eq_vertices(this_ra, this_decl, this_rotation)
return vertex_ras, vertex_decls