import datetime
from functools import cache
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytz
from astropy.time import Time
from rubin_scheduler.scheduler.model_observatory import ModelObservatory
from rubin_scheduler.site_models.almanac import Almanac
from rubin_scheduler.skybrightness_pre import SkyModelPre
from schedview.dayobs import DayObs
def _compute_all_night_events():
# Loading the alamac takes a while, so generate it with a function
# that caches the result (using the functools.cache decorator).
almanac = Almanac()
all_nights_events = pd.DataFrame(almanac.sunsets)
all_nights_events["night_middle"] = (all_nights_events["sunrise"] + all_nights_events["sunset"]) / 2
return all_nights_events
def convert_evening_date_to_night_of_survey(night_date, timezone="Chile/Continental"):
"""Convert a calendar date in the evening to the night of survey.
night_date : ``
The calendar date in the evening local time.
timezone: `str`
The string designating the time zone. Defaults to 'Chile/Continental'
night_of_survey : `int`
The night of survey, starting from 0.
sample_time = Time(
.localize(datetime.datetime(night_date.year, night_date.month,, 23, 59, 59))
all_nights_events = _compute_all_night_events()
closest_middle_iloc = np.abs(sample_time.mjd - all_nights_events["night_middle"]).argsort()[0]
night_of_survey = all_nights_events.iloc[closest_middle_iloc, :]["night"]
return night_of_survey
def night_events(night_date=None, site=None, timezone="Chile/Continental"):
"""Creata a pandas.DataFrame with astronomical events.
night_date : ``
The calendar date in the evening local time.
site : ``
The observatory location. Defaults to Rubin observatory.
timezone: `str`
The timezone name. Defaults to 'Chile/Continental'
events : `pandas.DataFrame`
A DataFrame of night events.
if night_date is None:
night_date =
if site is None:
site = ModelObservatory().location
all_nights_events = _compute_all_night_events().set_index("night")
night_of_survey = convert_evening_date_to_night_of_survey(night_date, timezone=timezone)
mjds = all_nights_events.loc[night_of_survey]
# Not all night have both a moon rise and moon set. If a night is missing
# one, use the value from the following night or prior night, whichever
# is closer to night_middle
for event in mjds.index:
if mjds[event] <= 0:
next_night = night_of_survey + 1
prior_night = night_of_survey - 1
night_middle = mjds["night_middle"]
next_dt = np.abs(all_nights_events.loc[next_night, event] - night_middle)
proir_dt = np.abs(all_nights_events.loc[prior_night, event] - night_middle)
closest_night = next_night if next_dt < proir_dt else prior_night
mjds[event] = all_nights_events.loc[closest_night, event]
ap_times = Time(mjds, format="mjd", scale="utc", location=site)
time_df = pd.DataFrame(
"MJD": ap_times.mjd,
"LST": ap_times.sidereal_time("apparent").deg,
"UTC": pd.to_datetime(ap_times.iso).tz_localize("UTC"),
time_df[timezone] = time_df["UTC"].dt.tz_convert(timezone) = "event"
return time_df
def compute_central_night(visits, site=None, timezone="Chile/Continental"):
"""Compute the central night of a set of visits.
visits : `pandas.DataFrame`
A DataFrame of visits.
site : ``
The observatory location. Defaults to Rubin observatory.
timezone: `str`
The timezone name. Defaults to 'Chile/Continental'
central_night : ``
The central night of the visits.
central_mjd = visits["observationStartMJD"].median()
candidate_night = Time(central_mjd, format="mjd", scale="utc")
# The mjd rollover can occur during the night, so the above might be offset
# by a night. Make sure the night we have is the one with a central mjd
# closest to the median visit mjd.
candidate_middle_mjd = night_events(candidate_night, site, timezone).loc["night_middle", "MJD"]
mjd_shift = np.round(central_mjd - candidate_middle_mjd)
central_night = Time(central_mjd + mjd_shift, format="mjd", scale="utc")
return central_night
def compute_sun_moon_positions(observatory: ModelObservatory) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Create a DataFrame of sun and moon positions with one row per body,
one column per coordinate, at the time set for the observatory.
observatory : `ModelObservatory`
The model observatory.
body_positions : `pandas.DataFrame`
The table of body positions.
body_positions_wide = pd.DataFrame(observatory.almanac.get_sun_moon_positions(observatory.mjd)) = "r"
angle_columns = ["RA", "dec", "alt", "az"]
all_columns = angle_columns + ["phase"]
body_positions = (
stubnames=("sun", "moon"),
body_positions[angle_columns] = np.degrees(body_positions[angle_columns])
return body_positions
def get_median_model_sky(day_obs: DayObs, bands: tuple[str] = ("u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y")) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Get model sky and ephemeris values suitable for a timeline plot.
day_obs : `DayObs`
The day of observing.
bands : `tuple`, optional
Bands to get sky values for, by default ("u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y")
median_model_sky : `pd.DataFrame`
A pandas.DataFrame with the median model sky values and sun and moon
sky_model = SkyModelPre(mjd0=day_obs.start.mjd, load_length=1)
mjds = sky_model.mjds
whole_day_obs = pd.DataFrame(Almanac().get_sun_moon_positions(mjds), index=pd.Index(mjds, name="mjd"))
for band in bands:
whole_day_obs[band] = np.nanmedian(np.array([band]), axis=1)
# Get edges of span over which the sample can be plotted
sample_mjds = mjds[1:-1]
prior_mjds = mjds[:-2]
next_mjds = mjds[2:]
# Use day_obs to get the times of night.
# We cannot use the sun alt we get from the almanac, because
# the sun from the prior night does not reach alt=0 until after
# the day_obs rollover, and so doing this will give one or more
# points from the prior night.
night_mjds = sample_mjds[(prior_mjds > day_obs.sunset.mjd) & (next_mjds < day_obs.sunrise.mjd)]
whole_day_obs.loc[sample_mjds, "begin_time"] = Time(
(sample_mjds + prior_mjds) / 2, format="mjd"
whole_day_obs.loc[sample_mjds, "time"] = Time(sample_mjds, format="mjd").datetime64
whole_day_obs.loc[sample_mjds, "end_time"] = Time((sample_mjds + next_mjds) / 2, format="mjd").datetime64
result_columns = ["time", "begin_time", "end_time"] + list(bands) + ["sun_alt", "moon_alt", "moon_phase"]
night = whole_day_obs.loc[night_mjds, result_columns]
night["sun_alt"] = np.degrees(night["sun_alt"])
night["moon_alt"] = np.degrees(night["moon_alt"])
return night