Source code for schedview.collect.opsim

import sqlite3

import pandas as pd
import yaml
from astropy.time import Time
from lsst.resources import ResourcePath
from rubin_scheduler.utils import ddf_locations

    from rubin_sim import maf
except ModuleNotFoundError:


[docs] def read_opsim( opsim_uri, start_time=None, end_time=None, constraint=None, dbcols=DEFAULT_VISITS_COLUMNS, **kwargs, ): """Read visits from an opsim database. Parameters ---------- opsim_uri : `str` The uri from which to load visits start_time : `str`, `astropy.time.Time` The start time for visits to be loaded end_time : `str`, `astropy.time.Time` The end time for visits ot be loaded constraint : `str`, None Query for which visits to load. dbcols : `list` [`str`] Columns required from the database. **kwargs Passed to `maf.get_sim_data`, if `rubin_sim` is available. Returns ------- visits : `pandas.DataFrame` The visits and their parameters. """ # Add constraints corresponding to quested start and end times if (start_time is not None) or (end_time is not None): if constraint is None: constraint = "" if start_time is not None: if len(constraint) > 0: constraint += " AND " constraint += f"(observationStartMJD >= {Time(start_time).mjd})" if end_time is not None: if len(constraint) > 0: constraint += " AND " constraint += f"(observationStartMJD <= {Time(end_time).mjd})" original_resource_path = ResourcePath(opsim_uri) if original_resource_path.isdir(): # If we were given a directory, look for a metadata file in the # directory, and look up in it what file to load observations from. metadata_path = original_resource_path.join("sim_metadata.yaml") sim_metadata = yaml.safe_load("utf-8")) obs_basename = sim_metadata["files"]["observations"]["name"] obs_path = original_resource_path.join(obs_basename) else: # otherwise, assume we were given the path to the observations file. obs_path = original_resource_path with obs_path.as_local() as local_obs_path: with sqlite3.connect(local_obs_path.ospath) as sim_connection: try: visits = pd.DataFrame(maf.get_sim_data(sim_connection, constraint, dbcols, **kwargs)) except NameError as e: if == "maf" and e.args == ("name 'maf' is not defined",): if len(kwargs) > 0: raise NotImplementedError( f"Argument {list(kwargs)[0]} not supported without rubin_sim installed" ) query = f'SELECT {", ".join(dbcols)} FROM observations' if constraint: query += f" WHERE {constraint}" visits = pd.read_sql(query, sim_connection) else: raise e if "start_date" not in visits: if "observationStartDatetime64" in visits: visits["start_date"] = pd.to_datetime( visits.observationStartDatetime64, unit="ns", utc=True ) elif "observationStartMJD" in visits: visits["start_date"] = pd.to_datetime( visits.observationStartMJD + 2400000.5, origin="julian", unit="D", utc=True ) visits.set_index("observationId", inplace=True) return visits
[docs] def read_ddf_visits( opsim_uri, start_time=None, end_time=None, dbcols=DEFAULT_VISITS_COLUMNS, **kwargs, ): """Read DDF visits from an opsim database. Parameters ---------- opsim_uri : `str` The uri from which to load visits start_time : `str`, `astropy.time.Time` The start time for visits to be loaded end_time : `str`, `astropy.time.Time` The end time for visits ot be loaded dbcols : `list` [`str`] Columns required from the database. stackers : `list` [`rubin_sim.maf.stackers`], optional Stackers to be used to generate additional columns. Returns ------- visits : `pandas.DataFrame` The visits and their parameters. """ ddf_field_names = tuple(ddf_locations().keys()) constraint = f"target IN {tuple(field_name for field_name in ddf_field_names)}" visits = read_opsim( opsim_uri, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, constraint=constraint, dbcols=dbcols, **kwargs, ) return visits